
Thank-you Lord that I have the mind of Christ; I have a sound mind that does not entertain confusion. 

My daughter, I always want your mind to be at rest with Me despite rough terrain. This can only happen when you trust Me to see you through difficult circumstances. 

Jesus, You are my Rock in whom I trust. I give myself to You again. Lord, You were a bit stern with me right before I awoke. You are my Father, and I want to please You with all my heart because I am under Your authority. I submit myself to You because I know You will take care of me. You know me through and through. I praise and worship You my Lord. 

My daughter, you are like a flower that is firmly established in Me. I am pruning you to grow and become a disciplined soldier who is resolute in following hard after Me. It is true that you are under the umbrella of My protection, but be resolute to having all My armor on. Your tendency to turn back to worry indicates your lack of trust in Me to take care of you. You now have your shoes of Peace back on your feet, but keep them on. I am always taking good care of you -you need to have all your armor on at all times because you are still in a battle. There is war raging all around you. 


The Lord showed me in a dream one night about this battle raging around me. Jesus my husband had been driving our truck -I was in the passenger side. We had just driven into the city and I could see there was a war going on. There were bombs being thrown, buildings collapsing and debris all over the place. We both got out of the truck and walked to the back of it to take our weapons. There was an angel who followed me wherever I went -his purpose was to guard and fight alongside me. 

It is really important to be resolute in becoming a strong soldier for the Lord because this raging battle is reality for every one of us. If we’re not standing firm on the Rock and growing in our relationship with Him (and thereby staying close to Him), we’re making ourselves vulnerable to the enemy’s attacks. 

The enemy comes to destroy as we give in and yield to defeat and hopelessness. His lies are hard to resist when we’re in that state of mind. As he whispers each word into our soul, we think they must be true. 

There’s a powerful weapon available to each one of us, and that is the light of His love within us. The more time we spend with the Lord the more our love for Him will grow. The more our love for Him grows, the more we are capable of knowing His love for us. When we dwell in this place of true relationship, we stand stronger against the enemy and are more likely to overcome what he sends our way. Let the light of His love grow brighter within us as we grow closer to Him each day.