Whole Heart

Father… I don’t know what to talk about this morning; is there anything You’d like to talk about? 

My child, come away with Me, just you and I.

Gladly Father, I love having You all to myself! Where are we going?

Your heart.

My heart…why Lord?

Because I want to show you something very important.

Okay Lord, I’m determined to come willingly only because You want to go there. Where You go, I will go too.

My daughter, I am here, right in your heart….do you sense Me here?

Yes Lord, I do.

Nothing is hidden from Me because I have made your heart My home. 

Lord, what is it You want to show me?

My daughter, I really am near to you. 

Father, am I trying to hide something from You?


What is it?

Part of your heart.

Lord, how can that be? I’m confused. 

My daughter. You are not giving Me your whole heart.

In what way Lord? (Silence) …I dreamt last night my mom died unexpectedly. I know it doesn’t mean my mom in waking life, but spiritually she represents making food. Lord, when I think of eating spiritually, my Bible study comes to mind. Lately I’ve not put my whole heart into it. This must be what You’re talking about.


Lord, I’m sorry. Please forgive me!

I forgive you My daughter:)

In my dream, I had no sad feelings when I learned she died. 

This means you are not pursuing Me wholeheartedly and therefore you felt no sadness. 

Father, I want a deep relationship with You and pursue You and everything You want me to do with my whole heart, because I know you have a purpose for everything You want me to do. Revive my love for Your Word again -I need my spirit to be fed directly by You. I need You more than I can ever comprehend!

I will help you My daughter. 

Thank-you Jesus -what you’ve showed me is important.

Yes it is My daughter. I love you.


Ever since the fall of man we’ve had a veil over our face that distorts our view of Jesus. Depending on how many veils are over our face will determine what level of deception we are in. The fact that I wasn’t giving my whole heart to Him at the time of this writing is evident that I was (and still am) living my life in a level of deception, and the thought of this is aching my soul! 

The problem with this for me is that I’ve seen the Lord and was in His presence as He showed Himself to me in a dream one night many years ago. I felt His passionate love for me and felt complete in His presence, and here I go, withholding a part of me from Him and allowing my love for Him to cool down. I feel that the more God reveals Himself to me and heals the wounds of my heart, the more responsibility I carry on my shoulders to be a witness for Him, and allowing my love for Him to cool down is not going to help me with this.

It reminds me of a dream the Lord gave me a while back: I was standing on the sidewalk with my two children who represent my Bible study time and prayer time with the Lord. We were watching this man as He was asking someone if he had seen the person He was deeply in love with and was looking for -He had such a deep longing to be with this person. He was so desperate while talking that He opened up His shirt to reveal a huge gaping hole in His chest, which showed His aching, throbbing heart; a piece of His heart was missing and He needed to find this person who was the perfect fit, to make His heart whole again. I was shown the mountainous countryside where He searched everywhere and would not stop until He found whom He was looking for. 

The Lord’s heart aches to be in unity with every part of our heart. He searches every mountain, every area of our heart and longs to bring us into wholeness and restoration in Him. He’s passionately in love with us, and when we see Him more clearly by pursuing Him each day, we can begin to see how desperately He loves us! 

I believe we need to be resolute in pursuing the Lord each day as passionately as He does for us. If we are not in His presence each day, it’s easy to start lagging behind Him and allow our heart to become luke-warm, which is a very dangerous place to be; we have been given such a privilege to be placed on the earth at this time, and it would be quiet detrimental just to sleep our life away and not walk close to Him and do what He’s given us to do. Let’s not waste our life but have our heart filled with life itself -Jesus!