Open To Your Leading..

Joel 2:28

“And afterward, I will pour out my Spirit on all people. Your sons and daughters will prophesy, your old men will dream dreams, your young men will see visions.”

Thank-you Holy Spirit for showing me my heart and for leading me to have a better understanding about it. 

You’re welcome my daughter. You are Mine and I love you. Carolyn, come deeper in -there’s more I’d like to show you. 

Yes please Lord, I want you to show me more. 

Then come -my Spirit will lead you. 

Thank-you Father, thank-you Holy Spirit. My heart is completely open to your leading. Please come and teach me more; I love your correction because then there’s growth in my heart and in my walk with you.. Please come.

I bless you my darling; you are mine this day. 


I got to go to the IF conference this evening after all!! I had been too late to register but being at church this evening, without me asking they slipped me in; I kind of feel like I was a lost sheep and they took me in! 🥹 I registered during the conference and I’m so glad about that:) I’m going tomorrow morning as well and then in the afternoon I’m taking the kids swimming in Steinbach:) They have a lazy river where the water moves very quickly, reminding me of my dream about being carried along. I have more to say about this but not enough time to write about it now. Anyway, I didn’t expect to be able to go to the conference and because it’s just been a busy day I still had my running stuff on since this morning! I didn’t go to the box because my husband had to be at work really early and I didn’t want to leave the kids home alone while sleeping. So I ran a 5k again today (rosy cheeks in my dream), and it was a lot easier than it was on Tuesday! God showed me a few things about some of the dreams he’s given me; I feel like I’ve had a breakthrough, like the Holy Spirit has made a way out of thinking a certain way that has kept me in bondage. It reminds me of the dream where someone found a way out of the building where people were keeping me hostage, and at the end of the dream we were running free, away from the building through a field that had hard packed snow.

In the first dream Bella was on her tummy on a round sled, holding onto something and being pulled by someone. Nearby there was another kid being pulled by someone in the same way. This morning when I went for my run at the inside track I was so amazed; I saw little kids with their tummies on small square boards that had a wheel on each of the four corners, and they were holding onto hoopla hoops and being pulled by their moms!! And of course as I was changing in the locker room, getting ready to go home I overheard some 3 year old kids talking about cutting off arms, legs, heads, hands. It sounds so strange as I’m writing this but it was like a normal conversation between one three year old to the other.

Then in another dream I was putting a dresser, front-down onto the floor. This dresser had four drawers. Before lifting it back up I thought I needed to lift it quickly while holding the drawers in place or else the drawers would all fall out. So as I  did this quickly, one of the drawers fell out onto the floor. I saw that on the inside of the dresser that was now exposed, there were a lot of cobwebs and I was afraid I’d see spiders. I looked into the drawer to see if there were any spiders and I didn’t see any. Then I wanted to get rid of the dresser because I had had it since I was a kid and it was really old. It was Bella’s dresser and because she had another one, I thought that after we had taken out the clothing that had become too small on her, the other dresser would have enough room for all her clothes. My husband was there, doing something and he said no, we wouldn’t get rid of the old dresser. So then I asked him if he could wipe all the cobwebs out with a wet paper-towel. Cobwebs represent areas in my life where I’ve been spiritually stuck or trapped, like an old way of thinking or an unbelief. Spiders represent powerful insecurities. In waking life I hate to say this but I’m afraid of spiders, but not having seen spiders in the drawer could represent not having fear about something. Clothing that are too small I believe represents that I’ve grown up spiritually about something. I have more to say but I don’t have enough time tonight; hopefully tomorrow late afternoon or evening I’ll have more time to write. Until tomorrow…