A Firm Place to Stand

Father, Jesus, Holy Spirit, I love you -you are mine.❤️

Caroline my dear child, come near, for I am with you wherever you go. I will not leave you stranded, for I am faithful.

My Father, I want to see more of you. Please bring me up so I can see your glory, the place where you dwell.

You may come my daughter -I will draw you nearer unto me, for you have been faithful in much. 

My Dad, in my heart you’ve already lifted me out of the mud and mire, and now you’re giving me a firm place to stand. You are such a Good Good Father! My heart is overwhelmed by your goodness to me. I’m so deeply thankful.

I know you are my child -you love deeply.

I do.

Come my daughter, it’s time. Your trial is over. All is complete. You’ve run the course and have won -now it’s time to rest.

Jesus, I want to rest with you -I want to be as near to you as I possible can, never leaving your side -forever..

You will my lovely one. 

Jesus, you are so kind. I can’t help falling in love with you. 

And I, my faithful daughter, am completely in love with you. 


It’s such a beautiful day outside today, and I’m so thankful.. I had a dream yesterday that was a bit frightening, but I believe that God gave it to me to show me that we can always find shelter in the storm and find refuge in him.

I was standing in the main walking area of a Home-Depot in front of the customer service area where a store guard was standing. Then I saw walking towards me a huge person, with the blackest of blacks cloak that covered his face and went down to the floor. I was immediately alerted in my heart, and as he walked by me, I looked into the face area of the cloak to see what this person looked like, and I saw his face as he looked at me. He handed me a really black tote bag, and because I suspected a bomb, I immediately threw the bag onto the floor where the guard was. He looked at me as if to ask me what was in it, and I lifted my arms and shoulders to indicate that I didn’t know. Then I mouthed the word, bomb. Then we knew that it would go off, and right before we all began to run, I saw the man standing nearby, looking directly at me. Then we all started to run. I saw shooting out of the bag were large shingle staples, so forcefully that they would kill anyone in its path. The gun/bag was pointing into an aisle right beside me; my kids and I were in between two aisles, so it nearly hit me as I turned to run the other way. My kids and I ran down the other aisle and found a place to hide, behind a wooden dox and the shelving that was there. I had quickly told Lucas and Bella to crouch down onto the floor to hide. As we crouched down to hide, I heard the man starting to walk around the store shooting the gun. 

Last night I dreamt that I was watching a scene before me: There was a man standing in front of a small table who had consulted/asked Lucas about his opinion about something. Lucas was standing in front of the table and they were facing each other as Lucas explained how something worked. Lucas had a deep scientific understanding about what he was talking about and was well learned even though he was young. I saw someone’s head/long hair so I’m assuming someone was sitting there. Lucas was explaining and showing the man what to do and what to put together to create a formula that had to do with the persons hair. Lucas was explaining to him while showing him to take a small sample of the persons hair (I saw her hair was brown), and mix it in a small container that had a liquid formula in it already. There were two other parts (one could have been the roots) that he did the same thing with, but doing these three things were the steps the man needed to do and was the answer to his question, which I didn’t hear and have no idea what it is. Lucas was evidently an expert and the man and myself were amazed at his knowledge; I was so proud of him! The man looked really glad to hear what he heard, and his confidence and trust in Lucas was evident.