Turning the Page

Come my faithful one -do not be afraid, for I am near to you.

Father, thank you for showing me and telling me that I don’t need to be afraid, but I really can’t see any way around it. How can anyone in my position not be? I’m not afraid of being harmed; I’m afraid of the difficulty.

I know my dear one, and I am with you -always.

My Father, thank you for your abundant love and care for me. I feel valued, loved, and cared for by you. …many tears…I’m savouring this moment with you.

Caroline, I’m turning the page in your life, and a new chapter is about to begin. You are mine.

Father when I heard these words in my heart, I also saw a page being turned, a huge page which would only come from a huge book -my book in which you’re directing my steps. 

I know you well my daughter, and I have many plans for you to prosper in.

Please continue to lead me Father, and I will follow you.

Come my dear one, it’s time to go. You are mine. (Here I saw a picture of a Father and his daughter begin to walk, and I was behind them. I saw the Fathers arm with his opened hand down to his side and his daughter reaching up to take ahold of his hand. I also see them smiling to each other.) I am so much in love with my Dad, and my heart is singing a new song! 


When I was done writing my conversation this morning, I looked at the time and it was 8:44..a bit earlier today than usual, which is good! I dreamt so much this last night, four dreams…hoping it’ll be okay that I write them all out! 

I was sleeping outside on the ground in front of my new house with Bella to my left and another person to my right; I didn’t see the person to my right but in my dreams there’s always someone vaguely beside me, which I’m sensing is the Lord because he’s always with me. It was nighttime and I was so afraid of potential danger, a bear. In my dream I felt like I wanted to be inside the house because of the safety it would bring. The house was in the country and had a huge yard. My old house, or the house where my parents live was also on the yard a small distance away. 

Then I was walking with my kids and my mom and dad (my heavenly Father, and mom who represents making spiritual food) through some trees, walking towards their house. My Dad had seen a bear near the new house and we were walking quickly to their house to take refuge. I was nearly running and was so much in a hurry to get through the door. I saw that we were by the door, and then I saw we were sitting at their table, enjoying each others company -it was a peaceful atmosphere, filled with joy. I sat back and took a few photos of my Dad and both my kids who were all looking at me and smiling. Their home was warm and felt like home. Then I was writing a warning to my husband who wasn’t there yet..we were waiting for him to come home. I was writing on a big piece of paper with big handwriting, warning him about the bear outside (I believe the bear represents fearing a difficult situation).

After thinking about this for a few hours, I think there’s more to the bear than I at first thought. I’m hesitant to say this but I think I have a fear of being controlled.. In my dream I forgot to say that our dog had come up to us when we were in front of my new home and licked me on my cheek. Then she had gone and laid down on the grass not too far from us, keeping watch. I knew that if there was any danger, she’d bark and make me aware. She didn’t bark so I think God is reassuring me that I don’t need to fear this because there isn’t any danger about that happening. I’m remembering that it’s not in God’s character to be like this, and I know there are people out there who don’t take advantage of others when they see that it would be easy to do. For these people who don’t take advantage I have such a high respect for.

Then my husband and I were in our car and he was driving very fast. We were passing a lady’s property and I saw that she was doing something she loved. I knew that because of a previous conversation we had had. Then I noticed that my husband had turned onto another highway, a less busy one which I liked, but I don’t think we were driving on it for very long because in my dream I didn’t even see it. I only saw that we were driving on a driveway very fast which was linked to that highway. We were going so fast that we nearly hit some of the shed type structures as we skidded sideways to a stop. 

Then my husband and I had come home, being away for the night. I closed a huge thick old door. Then when I was in the kitchen cleaning things up, I saw three ladies that remind me of tradition/religion. They had come in to investigate, and saw that our table was a huge mess with dirty dishes from the night before. We had been in such a hurry to leave that we hadn’t had time to clean up the dirty dishes, but in my heart I was smiling and at peace; The ladies didn’t need to know about everything and I wasn’t going to be open with them. Having said all of that, I know that with any difficulty we may face, the most important thing is to not lose our peace inside of it, and my prayer is for that not to happen.