Where Voices Meet

Proverbs 9:10, “The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom, and knowledge of the Holy One is understanding.” 

Caroline My daughter, come boldly before me; I want to hear your voice. I’m calling it out. Come and meet with me here. 

My Father, there is a place where voices meet and sing a special melody. Draw me out so I can meet with you there. 

My darling come, the time is ready to hear you (my perspective?). 

Father, in Your throne room is where I feel at home. So with you I will share my voice. You’ve given me breath, so what’s mine is yours. 

Trust me my faithful one. Draw near to me and I will be near to you. 

Father, I’m sensing there’s something specific you want me to share. Open my heart so I can let it out. Lead me to speak it out because I’m not exactly sure what you want me to say. I have a general idea, so it’s up to you to lead me as I prepare for it and share it. Help me to look only to you and not the circumstances around me. 

My daughter, My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness. Come my daughter, it’s time -will you come?

Yes Father, I’m staying as close to you as I can. Help me follow your lead. 

My love surrounds you Caroline. Come, I am very near to you. 


I was thinking to do another recording this week but it looks like I need to wait.. I know that God has called me to speak and share our journey into intimacy so that the door will be opened for many others to begin theirs, but the timing for this is his. A week or two ago I dreamt that a little girl had lost either her mom or dad, and she didn’t cry. I pleaded with her, telling her it was good for her to cry like I cried when my father passed away. I wish this subject would already be done with having the need to think or talk about, but I know that death is part of life and sometimes it’s a journey into healing as well. I’m actually feeling healed about my fathers passing; the thought of him doesn’t bring sadness anymore, only peace. Changing the subject, I read last week in one of Dr. Caroline Leaf’s posts where she talked about how writing eases anxiety and brings chemical balance back to the brain. Without knowing it, writing and processing my thoughts has really helped to lessen stress. Gardening has also helped to lessen stress, but we don’t have a garden this year; The boxes are falling apart and need to be replaced, and our dog would pull out any plant that’s not a weed and eat it, so we’re pulling out weeds this summer instead! Many blessings to you this week!