Your Love Runs Wild For Me

Hebrews 11:6

“Without faith it is impossible to please God, because anyone who comes to him must believe that he exists and that he rewards those who earnestly seek him.”



Come, rest, I am near.

Papa I worship You. You are so great and Holy; Holy is Your name. I love You with all that I am.

Caroline My faithful daughter. Abide in Me and My words will abide in you.

Papa I’m reminded of the Blessing, not to forget about it. I won’t forget. It’s really making an impact on my heart.

In what way?

Living what I’m learning will change my life so much. Loving my neighbours by intentionally praying for them and inviting the moms over will make them feel loved, and it’ll bring more life to my life. To model this for my kids is also life giving for them. 

You are right My daughter. Come, I will bless you in this.

Thank-you Papa. And thank-you for filling me today.


Hello everyone, welcome to today’s page in my journal! The Lord wakes me up most nights at certain times after He’s given me a dream, which I sometimes don’t know the meaning of but other times I do, and it’s such a great comfort to my heart. I absolutely love sharing what God is doing in my heart, hoping it’ll inspire you to spend time with God everyday and grow the most fulfilling relationship with Him!

This morning I woke up at 3:41 (reminding me of 3:46) and the chorus from the song, Wild For Me, was in my heart. I didn’t know the chorus by heart so I heard, “I asked for a drink and you wrecked me with love,” but how it goes is, “I asked for a touch and You wrecked me with love; I asked for a drink and You poured out a flood, Running wild, Your love runs wild for me. I asked for a way, You tossed mountains aside; I asked for a spark and You gave me a fire; Running wild, Your love runs wild for me. Now I’m free, Jesus you rescued me, I’ve tasted and I have seen, Oh what love I’ve found. And it breaks through the dark and it’s never going to stop, it keeps coming, coming, coming….” 

When I woke up in the morning I really wasn’t feeling well, so after my kiddos went to school I went back to bed and slept until 11:37, the fell asleep and woke up at 11:50. Right before waking up I heard these words in my heart, “I was killed by two people.” This of course is not literal, but my heart. One person kept on blowing out any spark of love I had, and the other is Jesus; in my walk with him, he’s been killing my flesh so that I can rise a new person.. putting off the old and putting on the new. God has a purpose for me and he’s been waking me up, lifting me out, and giving me a firm place to stand. He’s directing my story and I’m helping him write it as I learn to trust and follow as my heart opens up more and more to receive his love for me. God and Jesus’ love killed my defences and filled my heart..

I’m feeling better now than before. Yesterday was a lot of fun at the trampoline park; I used to do front flips and land on my back and bounce back up, but now of course I can’t do those things.. but it’s still fun jumping and landing on my butt; I did that about 10 times, I didn’t really count. Something I enjoy making is soup, and now that the weather’s getting colder is a good time for that. Many blessings…

Friday, October 20th: I’m looking forward to tomorrow, going to Grand Forks for Chick-Fill-a and Caribou coffee; heard their coffee’s good!! This morning I awoke at 3:34 with the same lyrics in Wild For Me. I only went to bed at midnight and woke up at 3:34 and couldn’t fall back asleep, so I was not wanting to go to Shopgym but I sensed the Lord saying several times, “Go!” so I went and some of the movements reminds me of some dreams I’ve had: stretching out my legs (stretching out my legs to get passed the hydro line in my dream, ending up sitting on it), and also the bike I went on reminds me of the width of the tire (after I saw the thin one that reminds me of a weight) that Jesus my husband was stopping so that the vehicle would stop moving forward. So because I’m thinking I’m spiritually sitting on a hydro line, recharging in the Holy Spirit, I’m going to spend time reading and soaking in God’s presence. And when I sense God’s leading with my message then I’ll also write down what I sense the Holy Spirit saying. Last night at the conference my heart was up there being prayed for; I know the Holy Spirit is doing His work in me; I want what He wants and I’m completely honoured to be where the Lord is leading me. When I came back from the gym this morning I went right to bed and slept again, waking up at 7:42 with these lyrics, “I don’t want to miss what you have for me!” I’m thinking these lyrics are from a Brandon Lake song, though I’m not sure which one.  many blessings….☕️