Another one!

My daughter come, I have much to say to you today.

Father, draw me near to you and please enable me to come close to you today.

My faithful one, I am near to you this day. You are mine. My daughter, I have something for you this morning. Stay quiet in your heart and peace will fill it. Take joy in what you do for me. 

Dad, change my hearts perspective. I pray that the joy that comes with having a peaceful heart will fill my heart so it can pour onto others as I do what you’ve called me to do. 

My darling, I am near to you. Caroline, what I’ve spoken to you about, speak it out and declare it over you.

Okay. I tell my heart to stay quiet (quieting anxious thoughts). Spirit of peace come and fill my heart. Spirit of joy please come and fill me to the brim. I take joy in what you ask me to do and I believe every word you say to me. I tell my heart to look to you Father for approval rather than those around me, and I take joy in that. Holy Spirit shine your light in my heart as I walk with you. You are my hearts passionate desire, my Father. 

Come my darling and rest. I will make all things new. You are mine. 


In my dream two nights ago Jesus my husband had been out in the calm lake early in the morning. Now in the afternoon it was a bit choppy -I had come out of the house that was on the lake and was standing on the patio that was emerged in water. Immediately beyond the edge of the deck the water was very deep and I could see many people in their canoes, enjoying the water -it was bright and sunny and the water was clear blue. I saw someone sitting on a tube.  I’m not sure what this represents..maybe the passing of time; the water had been calm but now was choppy, even though there was joy in the midst of it. Could also be Jesus calling me to come and spend time with him early in the morning. This next dream is a bit difficult to put into words. In my dream I was standing in a room and someone was holding a record in their hands, feeling concern for the record. Something was recorded on the record and their concern was that when other words were put onto the record and then put somewhere else, like three stepping stones where people need to step onto them to pass through. They were concerned what kind of impact the “passing through” words will have had. Then my youngest sister Cathy expressed sympathy but I quickly said it’s okay, they can just get a new one, a blank one. What comes to mind is that the record is me, or my heart; I know there are words there that need to be exchanged, but I know that Jesus is loving on me.. he makes everything new as he renews my heart!!