Love Always Pursues!

My Father, You are so Good. Your ways are righteous, perfect and Holy. Thank you for your ways with me. I dreamt again Father that there’s a deep groaning and longing within me to know you more through your written Word. This morning I realized that I have this deep desire because of the calling you’ve given me. To know your written word is what you want everyone to grow in, but you’re showing this to me because how else am I going to do what you’ve called me to do without first preparing for it? I had already begun to put off this next step you’ve asked me to take because of all that’s on my plate. 

My daughter, I have spoken -you’ve heard me correctly. You have my blessing as you follow me in what I’ve called you to do.

Thank you Father -I have joy and excitement in my heart because you are near and because I’m walking in my purpose for you. Thank you for giving me such a deep sense of fulfillment. Thank you for this gift -I am your daughter!

Yes you are -one whom I love deeply!


Theres a deep longing and groaning in my spirit to know Gods written word more. Bella represents my Bible study time and I dreamt that I couldn’t find her again -she was lost in the mall and I missed her so much. I dreamt that there was a group of people there who had enticed her and brainwashed her, and when they had her in their room, they closed the door on me so I couldn’t go to her. How horrible is that! I need to pursue what Bella represents (learning more about the Bible and be mentored) like I’d miss Bella if she was lost. I cannot live my life without her and I cannot live my life without continuing to follow Jesus in pursuing a deeper biblical knowledge so that I can walk deeper into my calling. The love I have for my children cannot be measured, so I need to have this same deep and passionate love for my calling as well. It’s right that we either fill up on worldly desires and ideals which don’t satisfy, or we fill up on Jesus, who does satisfy, and this filling cannot be measured. I’m planning on doing another one (recording) on Friday! As I sense to reread certain past posts, I’m reminded of what the Lord has already spoken to me about which helps me not to forget, and his words become fresh to my heart again.. I’m so thankful!!