So Thankful for You

1 John 4:8

“Whoever does not love does not know God, because God is love.”

My Dad. I love you with all my heart. Thank-you for your amazing, amazing way with me.

I delight in you My daughter -I love you. 

Dad, what’s next?


Holy Spirit, You are my close companion. Thank-you for being so near to me. Thank-you for your voice and for your presence within me. I’m so thankful for you.. and I love you so much…

I know you do -it shows. I love you too my darling.

Please take me deeper into knowing You, Jesus, and God the Father. I want to know more about Love. 

I will take you there my daughter. Come, all is well with you. I bless the work of your hands. You are Mine. 


Wow where has the day gone? Yesterday a little while after my recording, I looked outside and saw the most beautiful sunset I’ve ever seen! I took a photo of it but photos never look the same as the real thing. I met my sister for breakfast this morning at Frenchway Café, 238 Lilac St. I used to work at Upstairs for Hair, which is in the building on the other side of their parking lot, and would go to the café often. It felt really nice to go there again, though it had a different name back then. I had a plate of three crêpes with strawberries, walnuts and walnut-whipping cream, sooo good!!! After breakfast we went to the Outlet mall where I finally bought myself new boots!! I’ve wanted to get brown Blundstones for awhile, so now that I’m working more I thought it would be a good time to buy a pair. Also, I made an appointment to get my hair cut on December 7th! I’m not going to get it super short, just a bit shorter at the bottom with more layers. I’ve been cutting my hair ever since my hairstylist quit, but I texted her the other day to see if she still cut hair occasionally at home, and she said she did so I’m so happy about that! 

The Lord gave me a few dreams last night! In the first one I was driving our SUV on a curved, right, city corner really fast and had to slow down right away because the road I was on ended; it had one of those silver, metal-linked fences going across the road. So I followed the road that linked to the other highway that ran parallel to the one I had been on (after the corner I had just been on) and stopped in front of it. The fence ran along this part too but stopped at the highway, and I think the fence resumed on the other side of the highway, making an opening for the highway. Then I was still in my vehicle when I watched a flood covering this whole area. The deep water was flowing quickly to my direction, coming through this opening and flowing down the highway past me. I watched a small car floating sideways, being carried away by the current. Then when the car had gone by I looked at the water where I needed to drive and wondered how I was going to drive through the opening between the fences to the other side. Then I saw that the water wasn’t as deep as it had been before and knew that driving through the water was doable. As I was waiting, I saw there were a handful of vehicles on the other side of the fence, facing the opening and waiting for me to drive through. So I began to drive forward, and at the same time I saw one of those vehicles on the other side of the fence (the one closer to the fence), begin to drive forward as well, driving towards the opening.

Then the scene changed where I was on the other side, standing near my vehicle. I didn’t see my vehicle then but I was talking with my friend as we were standing on this vacant parking lot. We had planned that I would join her in her car to go somewhere in the city, and we were talking about where I would leave my vehicle. The parking lot was really big and was lit up (it was night). I looked behind me and saw a dark hidden area with someone lurking there and knew I didn’t want to park there because it wasn’t safe. Even though I could park my vehicle in this lit-up space, I didn’t want to because I didn’t think it was safe enough. So I said something like, “I’d like to park my vehicle at home where it’s safe,” which was only a few blocks away. So this is what we were going to do. I had asked her where we were going and she didn’t say it directly, but said something like we were going to go deep into the city, which would take a bit of time. 

I always dream that I have a companion with me that I don’t see but sense is there, so he was with my friend and I, and I believe this represents the Holy Spirit. Generally I think this dream means that the road I’ve been on in my journey with Jesus is either done now or soon will be. What’s directly in front of me, I’m waiting for it to pass by, and the only way I can go through to the other side of the fence is through this opening; there is no other way. So I can only go through to the other side when the flood is done. The effects of the flood will still be present a little as I go through to the other side, and the Holy Spirit will always be with me as I go through any difficulty, which will be doable; I will be able to go through it. I know that I will never be alone and that I will always have my friend, my companion with me. I won’t be the one that needs to drive but will be able to rest because Jesus knows where we need to go and I completely trust in him. 

In this dream I was at a place and there were people there, a gang, and I saw that they were taking advantage of a quiet innocent person who was with them,  but not part of them. I felt sorry for her and kept my head down so I wouldn’t make eye contact with them. They were laughing and making fun at her expense. Then the scene changed where I was in my home and these people were also in my home. They were sitting at the table eating and being loud. Then I had walked through a doorway and had accidentally stepped close to them or something, and I said sorry, and one of them that was sitting close to where I was said, “that’s okay, this is your home;” meaning that I didn’t need to apologize because this was my home. I believe this represents that there was a change in who held the authority in my home, in my heart. I’ve felt fear of the enemy, and the Lord is showing me that I’m the one, through Christ, who hold’s authority in my heart, not the enemy, who wasn’t a threat any longer; I was the one who was standing and they were the ones sitting. So this is a transition and I need to recognize it for what it is and take courage. In the coming days as I ponder this dream, the Lord may bring to mind more about it and then I’ll have more understanding. 

Then another small dream where I was mashing a dessert with a fork that we’d typically see in brazil. The mixture is poured into an “O” shaped bundt pan, which sets as it gets baked in the oven in a pan of water. I saw it was light yellow with brown at the top. There was a lot left in the pan, and I was seeing clumps as I was mashing it all inside the pan. I believe this dream represents that something that could have been enjoyed and savoured, couldn’t because it had gotten spoiled somehow.

A few things about me is that I pour my cereal, plain cheerios, into my bowl first before I pour in my almond milk:) I normally put my socks on after I put on my pants because I find that my socks get too tight around my toes the other way, unless my pants are loose fitting! I put lotion on my feet almost every night so my feet don’t get too dry:) I love peanut butter ice-cream with chocolate chunks, and if there are pecans or other nuts added, even better! I’m normally the one to drive and am told that I drive like Ayrton Senha, ha! I think I’m just a good driver, even though I drove through two stop signs this summer, though I don’t think it was my fault!! 😉 I don’t enjoy driving at night when it’s raining because of the reflection in the water -I have a harder time with my vision then and find it to be stressful. Many blessings to you!!!