
Psalm 133:1

“How good and pleasant it is when brothers live together in unity!”

My Father,

My daughter, I love you. You are Mime.

Lord, I hear the word “extraordinary.” I finished my recording but it’s too long and I want to do it again. 

My faithful one, rest. 


Hello… Today I did a recording and it took basically the whole day! It’s too long.. I’m thinking if I have the afternoon free tomorrow I’d like to do it again and change a few things in order to make it shorter. I also didn’t talk very much about my bible reference, which I think I’d like to do. My daughters dentist bag had fallen to the floor and I picked it up, reminding me of a dream I had.

Two night ago I had a dream where I was brushing my teeth very thoroughly, with a bigger than normal toothbrush. Last night I dreamt that I was at a camp in someone’s camper-trailer. It felt like there were several adult couples sitting on chairs along the walls. I was standing by the door, telling them about a thing that was really tall and was made with two pipes. This thing would walk around the camp to make sure people had put away and tied up their garbage bags and became angry when people didn’t. I told them it was scary. When I was talking with them, they weren’t looking at me directly but were looking forward. Then I was outside, looking at some black garbage bags that someone had put in between their property and mine, and one of them hadn’t been tied shut. I saw it was laying on its side with the top open. I didn’t see any garbage inside; it was like there was another garbage bag inside the garbage bag because I could only see black garbage bag when I saw the inside of it. So this tall two-pipe thing was standing nearby and I very sweetly asked it if it was okay with him that I tie it up. He wasn’t angry and I had a knowing that it was okay. I also had a knowing that it liked that I had asked. Then I was tying it shut and afterward I looked at the job I did and saw the knot I had made and also saw that I had done a nice and neat job, so I was pleased with myself. I’m wondering if this is about the recording I did today.. I am pleased with it because I got everything in it that I wanted, but if I need to do it again because it’s longer than it should be, then I wouldn’t explain some of the dreams as much. Because I dreamt about tying a knot, I also tied a knot in the laces of my sweater:) Also, because I dreamt of the two-piped thing and had heard this last name several times lately, I made sue to use this book twice in my references, although I had a really difficult time with that. I took a photo of my nails just because it was in my dream last week, thinking it looks like I’m ready to shake someone’s hand.. I went to the chiropractor yesterday and she adjusted my back and my ankle. Both were a bit off so Im feeling better today, though I can feel my ankle again so Im not sure if I’ll go to shopgym tomorrow again; I didn’t go on Monday. Blessings!