I’m Ready Papa; Please Take Me There

Proverbs 5:21

“For a man’s ways are in full view of the Lord, and he examines all his paths.”


Papa, I love You. 

I love you My faithful one. Come, I have a word for you. Rest – I am faithful. There’s more.

Papa, I’m resting. I’m quietening my heart and I’m resting. My heart is wide open and I’m trusting in You. I praise and worship You Papa. Great are You Lord! 

Caroline My dear one, I love you -you are Mine. I have something for you. Do you trust Me?

Papa, I do, but You know my heart better than I do. If I’m not completely trusting You Lord, show me or tell me what area I’m not trusting You -I want to know. 


Papa, open my ears so I can hear You more clearly. Open my eyes so I can see you more clearly. I’m not resisting You, so please come and enable me to keep walking, seeing and hearing You. Enable me Papa! Enable me Holy Spirit! 

You are Mine, My faithful one. Don’t worry, because you are Mine. 

Okay Papa, thank-you for speaking directly to my heart. Help me know how to be me as You transform my heart to look more like You. I’m so glad that I’m You daughter! Please give me a portion of what You carry; please give me a compassionate heart for others. I want to carry a burden for the lost and the hurting. I want my love for others to grow wildly. 

My daughter, you are Mine and I will do what you’ve asked. 

I’m ready Papa, please take me there.


Hello everyone, welcome to today’s page in my journal! The Lord wakes me up most nights at certain times after He’s given me a dream, which I sometimes don’t know the meaning of but other times I do, and it’s such a great comfort to my heart. I absolutely love sharing what God is doing in my heart, hoping it’ll inspire you to spend time with God everyday and grow the most fulfilling relationship with Him!

This morning at 12:40 I woke up and had dreamt that I was running through a parking lot that felt like where Shopgym used to be (right beside the railway tracks on the east side of the tracks. I don’t think there’s anyone renting it now, but it’s an old, one level building on the right hand side after crossing the railway tracks when you come into town.) There was a big jet that was parked there, facing the building, west. I was running through the parking lot as fast as I could, running from main street, which is right beside the parking lot, because there was another really big jet driving forward and was going to park beside the jet that was already parked there; I didn’t want it to drive over me. So I was running as fast as I could, trying to get underneath the jet that was already parked. As I ran I looked to the side and saw that it was close, driving quickly towards me, and then before my dream ended I had reached the jet and was underneath one of it’s wings, heading to go underneath the main part of it where the passengers sit. I vaguely sensed that there was another parked jet there but I’m not sure. I ran underneath it because I knew I was safe there, and that the other jet couldn’t run over me if I was underneath it. I’m not exactly sure what this dream means, but I’m thinking it has something to do with parking after a long spiritual flight where I was following Jesus my husband. The song that was in my heart was Wild Heart (in her Wild Heart album) by Kim Walker-Smith (the first 4’ish lines) “All I’ve ever known, All You’ve ever shown, Is love that’s willing to go, to the end of the earth for me.”   “All I’ll ever need, is who You are to me. This love that’s willing to reach, to the ends of the earth for me. You are who You say You are. You’ll do what You say You’ll do. So my heart will trust Your heart. I know that I know You’ll come through.”

This morning we did Thrusters, week one again. Then our workout was: 18, 9, 5 of Power Cleans (I did 75lbs) and wall-balls; it wasn’t easy but I pushed through! Then in the remaining time we added weight to get to our one rep max. I couldn’t actually do my one rep max because of all the Thrusters and Power cleans I had just done, but my max for today was 85lbs -love working out! My one rep max is 95lbs. Hopefully in a few weeks I’ll be able to do more! Because I dreamt about putting on light blue ripped jeans, I went to St. Vital mall today and bought two pairs (on sale) at Bootlegger. Saturday we’ll will be going to the path/bridge by Rosa, bringing the bear bells! Blessings, goodnight!! ✈️🦅

Sunday, September 24: This morning when I woke up I had these lyrics in my heart, “Christ is my firm foundation, the Rock on which I stand. When everything around me is shaken, I’ve never been more glad, that I  put my faith in Jesus, cause he’s never let me down. He’s faithful through generations, so whey would he fail now, he won’t. He won’t, he won’t fail, he won’t fail, he won’t!

I also dreamt that I was showing Lucas, brushing the very last tooth on my right side, brushing behind and low on my tooth where my gums were. 

Yesterday, Sept. 23, I dreamt that Jesus my husband, my kids and myself went to a place together for night. It was in the evening and felt like it was a public place. It felt like we had been upstairs where the bedrooms were and we were going down the stairs to go outside. We were taking a bit long so Jesus and Lucas went faster, and I was going slower, waiting for Bella. Then I couldn’t see Jesus and Lucas anymore so I ran as fast as I could, running in the hallway that was going around and had some corners, trying to catch up with them because I didn’t want to lose them. I was thinking to catch up with them and then get them to wait with me for Bella. Then I was outside and I saw it was very dark, and then I saw them walking from the left to the right and then stopped a few feet away from me and in front of me (facing me) which was at the beginning of a path in the woods. Because it was dark I couldn’t see them very well, but I could see that they were standing beside each-other, waiting for us, looking at me. 

Then the scene changed where we were back inside the building, in the kitchen. Jesus was cooking a meal; he was in front of the stove and had cut up veggies that were now in a pan on the stove. There was a counter or island between us that had some stuff on it; my black carry-on suitcase was laying open right between us. I saw that it was full of clothing and some clothing was sticking out of it. Then the scene changed slightly and I saw the zipper was open with some clothing sticking out of it, so because it looked messy I tucked the clothes back in and closed the zipper. As this was going on, Jesus was quietly cooking. Then I walked forward and passed my suitcase to where he was and I asked him if I could help. Then the dream ended. Right before I woke up I dreamt that I was standing in front of a long white collapsible table that had nothing on it. The table was in front of a wall. Then I saw that underneath the table there was an empty pants hanger laying on the floor by the wall. I also had a quick picture of Bella going forward to pet a small white fluffy dog. Yesterday Bella and I needed to go to our next-door neighbours and let their small white fluffy dog out to go pee; our neighbours had been gone all day.

Changing the subject, yesterday I went with two of my friends to a swinging bridge close to Rosa. I brought two bear bells but very soon realized we didn’t need them, so I put them in my backpack where we couldn’t hear them. I’d much rather listen to nature! It was about a 3/4 mile walk and the weather was perfect! It was such a beautiful walk. I didn’t have my phone on me because I was letting Bella use it for babysitting (we left when she was almost done babysitting, around 2:30-3), so they took photos and will send me some.. Today we’ll be going to my mom’s condo to celebrate her birthday. My brother from Edmonton came out and was at our place when I got back. That’s it for now.. God’s blessings to you…. ☕️