My Constant Companion

Psalm 57:10

“For great is your love, reaching to the heavens; your faithfulness reaches to the skies.” 

Come My daughter, for I am well pleased with you. You are Mine.

Dad, please help me hear your voice today. I’ve been so encouraged despite increased heaviness that hasn’t gotten ahold of me so far, and my prayer is that it won’t. By faith I’m letting it fall by the wayside. In this deep place I pray that you’d do what only you can do and lead me to discover who you are in a deeper way. I pray that this opportunity to love you, praise you, and learn from you won’t be wasted. You are my God and my trust is in you..

Come My child, I will left you up.. I have spoken. All is well with you.

Father, do you have another word for me today?

Yes. I will never abandon you my dear one.

Thank-you Father. I’m sensing in your words you’re also reassuring me that inside of your plans for me as I continue to walk with Jesus, I will never face abandonment or separation. I know this deep down in my heart and soul, and I’m greatly greatly comforted… I understand your deep love because I have the same for you Jesus, that didn’t originally come from me, but from God. This love is unconditional and I’m completely amazed by it. I do receive your love, and I’m so pleased to give it in return.

Caroline My daughter, your faith in Me has been tested. Come, I will surely lead you out of this place. 

Dad, because I’m never alone, for you are my constant companion, you are surely in this place -thank-you from the bottom of my heart. 

Caroline, you are Mine and I am always with you. 


Last night I dreamt that I had gotten into the back seat of my dad’s old grey Ford car that he was going to restore one day, and one of my sisters came into the car too, who represents the wrong way to go. My dad, who represents work/earning money, wasn’t in the car but was inside the house in front of where the car was parked. I saw a thick metal bar across where the headrests of the front seat are. As we were waiting for my dad, the car began to roll back and I held onto the metal bar as it rolled. I was kind of looking to the side as it rolled back and I thought it would be okay, but then it rolled straight into the steep ditch on the other side of the road, bumped and the front flipped over and landed upside down. Then I vaguely took my seatbelt off and yelled for my sister to get out of the car because it was going to explode. Okay, the only thing I did different lately is that yesterday I signed my teaching contract to sub for another year. The Lord didn’t show me or lead me to do that and the only reason I did it is because of pressure. I am a teacher and I want to teach, but I don’t think the Lord wants me to teach in the public school system, so I’m in a really really tough place. 

The other dream I had is that I was in a church among many people; I saw them walking in it. I vaguely remembered a couple that we used to be friends with, and I asked someone if they remembered them. Then I remembered that they weren’t actually from our congregation, and that the building we were in now used to be where they attended. So the building my church was using now is the place where we moved into from a different location, and it was an upgrade -a really good change. Then I remembered and looked up to see if there was still a red boat hanging on the wall for display, and I was pleasantly surprised that it was still there -I was excited about it. It was a big and wide, shiny red row-boat; I saw the underneath part. 

I had a small dream two nights ago that I had forgotten about; I saw an 8×10 pad of white loose leaf paper with no lines, and I saw a few layers of paper that had already been ripped off, but ripped off in a messy way. Then I took the next paper and began to neatly rip it off from where it was glued to the pad. I always write my conversations with the Lord on a blank white sheet of paper, and I have a smaller one beside my bed so that at night I can quickly jot down notes or thoughts that I sense the Lord speaking. Yesterday I wrote that I saw Veggie-tales on the TV screen, but I remembered later that it was Winnie the Pooh and his friends:) I don’t know if that really makes a difference but I know that God is in the details, and if he put it in my dream then it must mean something:) My kids loved Winnie the Pooh when they were little:) 

Today on Youtube I watched a girl, Sherise, sing with Céline Dion, the song, Because You Loved Me -such a beautiful voice! In my heart I sing this song for Jesus because I am so deeply thankful for him -I can never walk this journey alone. 

Because You Loved Me: For all those times you stood by me, for all the truth that you made me see, for all the joy you brought to my life, for all the wrong that you made right. For every dream you made come true, for all the love I found in you; I’ll be forever thankful Jesus.. You’re the one who helped me up, never let me fall. You’re the one who saw me through, through it all. You were my strength when I was weak, you were my voice when I couldn’t speak, you were my eyes when I couldn’t see, you saw the best that was in me, lifted me up when I couldn’t reach, you gave me faith cause you believed; I’m everything I am because you loved me. You gave me wings and made me fly, you touched my hand I could touch the sky, I lost my faith you gave it back to me, you said no star was out of reach.. You stood by me and I stood tall, I have your love I have it all. I’m grateful for each day you give me. Maybe I don’t know that much but I know this much is true; I am blessed because I am loved by you. Thank-you Jesus -my constant companion, my closest friend, and my forever husband -I love you.