Growing Intimacy

My Dad. You are mine -I love you. Thank-you for the sunshine -I’m more at rest today.

I love you Caroline my daughter -all is well with you. Come, lets continue with our journey together. 

Father, I’m reminded to be genuine. If people get tired of reading about this difficult journey I’m in, then they can just stop reading my posts. I can’t pretend its all better now when its really not. The purpose of my writing is to grow intimacy with you and learn to hear your voice better, so here I am Father -I am yours. 

Yes you are my faithful one. Come, let’s walk deeper in. I love you with all my heart and will never hold back my love for you. Just because this is a difficult journey that never seems to end, it doesn’t mean that I love you less. I am faithful. 

Thank-you Father. I’m reminded of what you told me earlier, “Deep roots that are being grown is a deep friendship being built.” It takes time for roots to grow deep. They grow deeper through growing my trust in you during a long time-frame of hardship, but I don’t think a person needs difficult circumstances in life to have hardship; I think it’s also the test of time, the building of endurance that could be the hardship that grows deep roots and deep friendship. 

I love you my daughter, and what you said is true. Come now, into the river of my peace -here you will find my joy. 

Thank-you Jesus for your faithfulness and for our peace that fills my heart today.