Jesus my Defender

Jesus my Defender

Father, I’m blessed by Your Goodness to me. This time we have together in the early morning hours is by far the most fulfilling time of my day.

My daughter, you bless Me by your faithfulness in coming to Me every-day. I am always with you. 

Father, You showed me the other night that I am on a winding and difficult road, but that my travel was smooth like on a train. I saw the enemy a little ways off, going just as fast as me, but he couldn’t get to me. He’s in pursuit of destroying me and our intimate relationship. At the end of my dream I was in some kind of shelter, but You Lord had captured him while You were defending me. I am in the shelter that You’ve provided for me during this time when I’m not moving forward, right in the middle of the jungle. You also showed me the vehicle in which You want me to take from there. It was on the other side of the door, which was open a bit. Help me walk through the door and get into the vehicle. Lord, I also don’t want to get into the drivers seat because I don’t know the way You want me to go! You drive Father, and lead me into the way You want me to go.

My daughter, you are right with everything you said. It is with joy that I help you, for I am your defender. Take My hand and let’s walk out of this room and keep going on our journey.

Father, I am overwhelmed by Your goodness to me. I feel like You are treating me with such honour and dignity. I know I am important to You, and I need to follow You because You are my security and strength. I follow You with determination because I am in the safest place when I’m close to You! 

My daughter, you are important to Me. You have grown in your resiliency, and I’m proud of you for faithfully walking close to Me.

Lord, I give You the credit for this because when I wanted to quit, You wouldn’t let me do it! Of course You always give me free will, but You have shown me Your glory in so many ways that I cannot let go of Your hand. ThankYou.

You’re welcome.


In this dream, I saw the enemy in pursuit of me, but he couldn’t get close because the Lord had provided a shelter for me, and He was my defender within that shelter. He also had provided an open door with the means to continue our journey. When the Lord asks us to do something for Him, He will always provide a way, will always be our defender, and will always lead us in the way we should go. 

The Lord is calling you into a deeper relationship with Him. If you’re hesitant, what false sense of security are you holding onto? Jesus is our security and we need to focus on Him. Are you ready to trust Him enough to follow where He’s leading you? Remember, He is your defender and will always provide a way.