Becoming Disciplined

Luke 14:27

“And anyone who does not carry his cross and follow me cannot be my disciple.”

My Father,

My daughter, I love you. You are Mine and I’m so very proud of you. You listened well. Come, you are my disciple. Caroline, I have a word for you -speak.

I will Father. I know thats coming and that I need to begin. Father I heard the word “discipline” in my heart. 

My faithful one, be disciplined in it, always be prepared to give a message and you will grow in it.

Thank-you Lord for this great opportunity to share with others. This is such an honour and a privilege. I feel like its going to be a bit easier from now on. I believe what you say to me when you speak and I feel like my faith has grown in the last little while -my confidence too. 

My darling -I love you and I am with you always, even to the end of the age.

Thank-you Father, I know this is true and I’m so thankful. Thank-you for all you’ve done in my heart and in my life. You are so faithful. 

You’re welcome my daughter. 


Hey everyone.. I rededicated my life today in church and my heart is so satisfied and filled with the Holy Spirit and I’m so thankful.. This morning when I woke up I had these lyrics in my heart, “Just call on your brother if you need a hand, we all need somebody to lean on… lean on me, when you’re not strong, I’lll be a friend, I’ll help you carry on, so, it won’t be long, till I’m gonna need, somebody to lean on..” 

I dreamt last that I was in the front seat of my car, sitting on the right (passenger) side of the one long seat in the front. Someone was with me, driving; I didn’t see who it was but I know it was either the Holy Spirit or Jesus as my husband. As we were driving I could feel that the car had resistance, and I saw that instead of seeing the front of the car as we were driving, I saw the back of the car; so the back of the car was where the front should have been. Then the next moment it changed where the front of the car was in it’s rightful place, in the front, and I felt that the car had no resistance and we were driving with ease -I felt an inner peace like this is how it’s meant to be -this is how the car was meant to drive. Then at 7:00 I had these lyrics in my heart, “Holy, you are Holy -you’re such a perfect Father, I worship you forever. Holy, you are Holy, I lay down every treasure for us to be together.. I believe the Lord is showing me in my dream that I’m meant to be at the front, on stage -this is my purpose just like the front of the car’s purpose is to be in the front and not the back. Also the verse where it talks about us being the head and not the tail comes to mind.

The story about the grandma that she hadn’t been at church since she was 7, and she got baptized yesterday at age 77, is so neat because I had seen all the “g’s” stand out on a page in the Bible a few days ago, and “g’s” are the seventh letter in the alphabet -so cool. I’m getting up tomorrow at 4:20, my usual time when I go to the gym on Mon, Wed, and Fridays. Last week I needed to go to the chiropractor three times because of my lower back, so this week I’m taking it easy with the weights and other things at home. I’m still going to the box but I’ll be doing things that strengthen my core and my back (I’m believing for a new spine:)). Last week I went running on Tuesday and Thursday and ran 3k each time; this will be my routine from now on. On the track I need to run 7 loops three times to run a 3k; it’s really 6.5 loops but I round it off to 7, so there’s the number 7 again (3 7’s). I got a French pedicure last week and I love it!! Blessings…