Spirit of Unity

“May the God who gives endurance and encouragement give you a spirit of unity among yourselves as you follow Christ Jesus, so that with one heart and mouth you may glorify the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ.” Romans 15:5,6


My daughter, all is well with you. You are Mine.

I love you Papa and I worship You with all my heart. In my heart I’m worried that I was emotional this morning, wanting to keep standing firm.

Don’t worry My faithful one. Trust Me to see you through. 

Papa, I’m fixing my eyes on You and trusting that You will lead me to be able to follow You.

I love you My daughter. 


Hello and welcome to my Journal. Life in the valley can be very difficult, but we need to remember that God is always faithful. Right now I’m in a valley, being tested and pruned so that in God’s time I’ll be ready to walk out of this valley, Victorious!  What I’ve been doing as I’m waiting is spending time with God and keeping on doing what He’s already asked me to do. I’m clinging onto hope because God is my firm foundation. God is faithful and I know that He will never let me down, and I’m going to stay faithful to Him. He has shown me His faithfulness all the time and I know His love through that. God gives me dreams and wakes me up at certain times. As you read my journal my hope is that even though I’m in a valley in my life, I hope you will be inspired to always keep your heart open to God no matter what’s going on in your life, because God is a God of Love and He always has a Good plan for our life. He knows how to lead us; we just need to trust Him and follow Him! Very often God draws my heart to Him through love songs! My love for God/Jesus keeps on growing as I continue to pursue Him. During the night God wakes me up at certain times with either a word from Him and/or a dream. So here’s my journal entry for today..

10:46 “which one?”

12:37 When I awoke I sensed something about being safe.

2:56 “..and the angels cry, holy, and the people cry, holy, holy forever.”

3:4  “Darling you look perfect tonight”

4:22 “Time”

4:27 Help me Papa

I will help you My love

4:30 My daughter, all is well.

4:51 Come My daughter, it’s time

5:28 Rest My daughter, you are Mine. I will bring this to completion. 

Papa, I trust You. I feel like I have so little faith. Please help me, I’m so desperate for You.

I will help you, declares the Lord. Rest. Peace.

5:50 Papa, we’re doing this!

Yes we are!!!

Then I went to Shopgym and did some Olympic lifting (Monday we did push presses; today we did clean and jerks). At the end two people jumped up and gave each other a high five, thought that was neat. 

9:32/33 In my prayer time I fell asleep a few times: in this dream I was on the church parking lot and I saw some kids running among parked vehicles (feeling they were excited about an event coming up). I think I saw a white truck that was parked. 

9:41 I vaguely saw three or four expensive cars lined up in a row beside each other. Behind them I sensed were the gas pumps at Costco. They were parked facing east which in waking life cars are faced the other way to get gas. 

10:39 I dreamt I was at the corner of Pembina by the Superstore, seeing a line of cars that were waiting to make a left turn. I also vaguely saw a semi truck in the turning lane (I’m thinking there could have been a bit of a gap between the cars and the semi truck, and then before my dream ended I saw the semi truck begin to drive a bit quick. I’m not sure if it stayed in the turning lane or if it went into the lane beside it to go straight. I’ve been sensing not to do North End Missions because my kids dad doesn’t like it and because I think I need to focus more on my family but still talk about Jesus in my everyday life (like saying for example, Jesus loves you to the cashiers when I go to a store, which I’ve been doing).

10:42 I saw some well done beef steaks lined up in a row. They could have been on a plate but I didn’t see that part. 

11:00 I saw an empty white plastic bag, folded flat on a counter I think. It reminds me of the blue and yellow chip bag I asked if I could take home yesterday. It was folded once (like on my dream), laying on the counter.

11:03 I vaguely saw people lined up beside each other.

11:05 I vaguely saw a lady eating an apple; I saw there wasn’t very much left of it (I saw a bit of white part). The apple could represent generations… I went to Corporate Prayer yesterday and we prayed for the generations.

11:11 I vaguely dreamt of being in someone’s living room and seeing one of those pouch magazine holder things that sit on the floor.

I’m volunteering at Kids Rock this coming Sunday and the next; we’ll come to the first service on these days and volunteer for the second. My kiddos and I had a ride on a pontoon boat last week, so fun!! Optimistic… Love and Blessings…

Aug 15: 4:19 “7:11”

4:29 “I could get used to this…”

4:57 “believe”

5:04 “wake up”

5:10 “Come”

5:11 Papa, I thought I was too late to come…

No My daughter, it’s not too late. You are Mine.

5:14 “move on forward”

5:15 “Time”

5:24 “Hope”

5:37 Hope is rising

5:44 Come My daughter, it’s time.

I’m coming Papa

5:48 Come My daughter, there’s time (feeling a bit overwhelmed because it’s nearing the end of summer)

5:50 Papa, my hope is in You…

5:52 Come My daughter, rest.

5:55 Come My daughter, you are Mine. 

6:00 Come My daughter. Let’s move forward.

6:01 Yes Papa, I’m coming. I’m so desperate to come…

6:02 Then come 

Help me Papa

I am near to you My faithful one

6:07 “Push him in” I saw someone’s legs were tied together.

6:38 Papa, I’m coming. Please help me come. I want to come.

6:44 Hope

6:46 Believe My daughter, all is well with you.

Okay Papa, I trust You. 

6:50 In my dream I saw someone on a beige motorbike, driving around a corner going left, coming towards me. I was already on the road they just turned on, and it was a sunny day.

6:54 “keep that in mind” I was on the beach in a room where they were renting surf boards, and the person working there was telling the person who had come in, to “keep that in mind.”

6:58 “before school starts” I vaguely dreamt of some people talking together.

7:00 I saw a blue elephant being led by someone. They had just come through the east side entrance on the parking lot at church. The person leading was running ahead of the elephant and the elephant was running after him. It looked like the elephant had some kind of leather thing on.

7:05 I was in church doing something with someone, and I heard someone say Caroline.

7:07 I saw a lady with glasses wearing a white shirt, and she had short but kind of long hair, light brown/blonde. She was happy and she said to me in a light hearted way, “Aren’t you kind of selfish?” It reminds me of when someone said they were selfish because they didn’t like sharing their fries.

7:11 I was in a gym. There were some people there, working out. There was a higher floor in the gym.

7:15 High school kids were coming into the classroom.

7:17 “Happy birthday to you” I heard someone singing this. I also saw vaguely a short wall that had a bit of a ledge. I vaguely saw a shoe on it and someone was taking it off the ledge.

7:24 “in a few minutes”

7:25 Someone was standing in front of me at what felt like a skate park. The lady was wearing a short skirt and had a cut on her shin, saying, “you missed.” The cut looked like it had been there for awhile. Wondering if this represents the last time I was there? I know “I missed” when I hadn’t asked for help. (wondering if this represents yesterday.. I was so unsure of which one to do so I switched with someone but switched it back. I’m so lost.)

7:31 “Your love changes everything…” in my dream it was sunny outside in the morning; there were a few people, having a sense of a normal morning routine.

7:37 My coach was wearing a short green pleaded skirt. It was morning and sunny outside, and she was looking down, saying something to someone. 

7:42 It was sunny outside and someone opened up (pulled up) a very big garage door to a very big garage. 

7:44 “I will help you with your husband”

7:46 I was outside and rain and dark clouds were coming. I was on a parking lot, walking quickly/ lightly jogging to my car I think. There was another lady that I saw from church (could have been from the Soar group I’m not sure) looking back and asking me something, ready to go to another place to quickly pick up something.

7:54 I was on the parking lot of a mall, talking with two ladies that had white blouses on, and it was sunny outside.

7:56 Someone had a green plastic clip in their hands and it shot out of their hands. There were other clips like this on the floor with other colours (maybe one other colour; I didn’t see what the colour was), reminding me of the game at youth yesterday. The colour I chose was blue. I stayed to defend our bucket because in a dream I had seen a white truck that was parked with kids running on the parking lot. 

8:17 “It is well, I’m walking in freedom .. for God so loved, God so loved the world..”

I slept a little while waiting as Bella was getting ready for VBS. I dreamt that I was looking through a foggy window, one that had condensation between the window pains (Bella’s window is like this). I saw a tree and I thought I saw a bird but then I realized it was a snake. It was coming closer to the window with its mouth wide open. Then it was on the side, coming closer to where I was, and knowing I was safe on this side of the window, I thought I’d scare it and opened my mouth as I was going closer to where it was coming closer to me, and then I woke up. I’ve begun to declare scripture over me and I’m spending time with God. I keep missing Gods direction. I’m sensing what I did on Sunday was correct so this gives me hope. I need help to know what Gods direction is.

“When the oceans rise and thunders roar. I will sour with you above the storm. You are King over the flood, I will be still, know You are God.” 

12:29 Another time (another time around..I have another opportunity)

12:33 I saw and I ran up a short pole (about waist height), like a hydro pole, and I jumped over it.

12:39 I saw a really happy lady driving an expensive go cart (like a racing go cart) off of a driveway and onto a mainstreet. She looked at me with a huge open mouth smile on her face, waved I think and drove onto mainstreet. The feeling I had was that it was in Saint Adolf. The lady reminds me of the receptionist at church, I forget her name.

12:47/48 I was on a paved parking lot with some cars parked, and people were setting up to do a CrossFit workout (the word, Crossfit, was in my dream). It was a sunny day and it felt like people had a lot of energy. 

Aug 16: 12:29 “I trust in  God,  my Saviour the. One, who will never fail. He will never fail.”

4:44 “but most times I feel like a sailboat.”

5:18  “I’m not giving up! Gonna move on forward.”

5:38 “I’m gonna raise my sails..”

7:53 “The joy of the Lord, the joy of the Lord is my strength.”

9:32 “Oh God, the battle belongs to You. Every fear I lay at Your feet, I sing through the night oh God, the battle belongs to You.”

10:11 “I found a love, for me, darling just dive right in, and follow my lead…”

10:41 “Walking around paying for people.” (Praying for people)

10:46 “is the glue”

10:51 “slowly melting my heart”

10:53 “Bible Study”

10:56 “We have to watch that!” seeing a blue cup with a coffee bean in it. (vague)

11:03 “I was looking for Bella.”

11:22 “We were just kids when we fell in love, not knowing what it was…”

This evening we watched, “Kingdom of the Planet of the Apes; I enjoyed it! This morning at Shopgym someone turned on the big yellow fan and one of the ladies said that it sounded like a jet engine about to take off. At the end everyone was giving each other a high five and I started out with giving a high five with my right hand to two people, then changed and used my left hand for the other two people. I changed to my left hand when he thought I’d use my right so I noticed him noticing that I used my left hand instead (reminds me of one of my dreams). Something else happened; someone said “holy —“ and without thinking, I agreed -I heard this in a dream a few weeks ago. I would never say something like that and I apologized to the Holy Spirit so much.. Tomorrow Lucas will practice driving with me. Love and Blessings…