Family Coming Together

My faithful daughter, you are Mine and I will take care of you.

Father, I don’t completely understand the way I need to be reconciled. The only way to be reconciled to those I love, my spiritual family, is by running towards the stage and jumping on it to stand on it? (speaking) I see the word “yes” in my heart and I sense you speaking it. Father, I can work on my two point sermon again, but I know I’m not going to speak in front of a crowd right away. What are your thoughts about this Father?

That I love you -my plans for you are good all the time. Come my faithful daughter, and you will see. Trust me to know how to lead you. You are Mine, My daughter whom I love and enjoy being with. Will you join me on this stage?

Yes Father, my spirit wants to so badly be there. I want to to very much, but I just see this as such a difficult thing to do. 

Come my faithful one -you are mine and I’ve provided a way. Do you trust me my daughter?

Yes absolutely Father, I trust you.

Then Come, I will help you come and be reunited with those you love.

Thank-you Father, Jesus. You are my God, my Father, my Husband. Nothing can stand in my way from coming to you.. You foresee things, so help me get through whatever it is I need to get through in order to be where you want me to be. 


Yesterday my kiddos and I got up super early and joined my sister and my mom and drove to Kenora. We went on a boat tour and had a really good time. Here’s a photo of my sister Connie and I. The weather was great! Afterwards we had icecream and went to Rushing River where my kids got to go swimming. Good times!! During the ride there and back I was thinking about what it means to marry Jesus. The first thing that comes to mind is to be so much in love with him and knowing he loves me more than words can say. Knowing this helps me to rest because then I can totally trust in wherever he leads. The second thing that comes to mind is to have my will about this deep and lasting commitment about what it means, come into line with his will. To trust so completely that I want to run towards what God has for me, with nothing holding me back. And this is what I’m chewing on right now and am agreeing with, with deep thankfulness. To marry Jesus means that I fully accept what he wants me to do, which is to speak, to eventually becoming a pastor where I’ll eventually speak to bigger crowds. When I think about what I’d say, I know the Lord has done so much work in my heart that I’ll have plenty to say, also because the Lord never stops working in my heart and will continue to show me things. Yes, I’m willing to take this step and accept this amazing calling he has on my life. I’m ready to learn and begin to walk deeper into my calling with Jesus. Internally I’m in agreement with Jesus and I am marrying him!

Yesterday morning I didn’t have time to write, but this is the dream the Lord gave me to help me understand where I was at in my walk with him, and which shows that family members need to be reconciled. This morning I also have a dream to write, which shows a picture of reconciliation. I dreamt two nights ago that I was in a really huge warehouse that held women captive. There were two warehouses that held women captive, one was for younger women (which held more women), and the other was for older women (which held less women). I was in the one that held older women captive, to see what it was like. Then I was running away from this building down a narrow driveway, running really fast towards the road. I was walking along the road which had many parked cars of people who were wanting to be reunited with their loved ones. As I was walking, I heard a car that was approaching really fast, too fast for such a congested area, and I needed to quickly step aside so I wouldn’t get hit. Then I was talking with a lady who was desperately trying to find a certain lady, who’s name starts with A. I don’t remember but it was something like Agatina. So then I was at the warehouse where they kept the older lady’s and I called out her name but no one came forward. I had a thought to just not try to find her because of how much work it was looking for her, but then I don’t think I fully agreed with that thought. Then I was running towards the other, bigger warehouse to look for her. I was running so fast towards a stage that was in front of it, and I vaguely saw out of the corner of my eye a group of people also running towards the stage to jump on it, and they succeeded. As I ran, I noticed huge blobs of manure, and I began to float across them, like doing a long jump but being carried extra long, and I landed standing, stepping between these piles. I was glad I hadn’t fallen and gotten dirty -(spiritually trapped). With this dream I’m thinking the Lord is showing me that if I want to walk in his way, his calling on my life, it really does mean that I’ll need to speak on stage, and this is what I had been chewing on all day yesterday. In my dream last night I was being intimate with what used to be okay but has become not okay, like putting off the old and putting on the new. It felt like I was drinking bad coffee but I still had to drink it (Im not drinking coffee anymore, no desire!). Then my older brother Bill, who name means, ‘with gilded helmet,’ was right in front of me, facing me, and I embraced him with all my heart, missing him so much, crying a bit and asking when did he need to leave? I didn’t want him to go. Being with my family yesterday was really good for me because I got to be in the familiarity of how I felt growing up. The Lord is drawing me nearer into where he wants me to be, and this place, walking intimately with Jesus, is my spiritual family and my spiritual home. Many many blessings to you!!!🍕😎