Standing Firm

“You will not have to fight this battle. Take up your positions; stand firm and see the deliverance the Lord will give you…”   2Chronicles 20:17


Papa, I love You and I worship You. Thank-You for Your faithfulness. Thank-You for Your love.

My daughter, rest.

Papa, I realize I’m in an intense spiritual battle, and I ask for Your joy to carry me through. 

I am with you My dear one. 

Thank-You Papa, I’m standing firm in You. I know what You say is true and that You are faithful in Your promises. My hope is in You.

Come My dear one. Rest in My love for you. You are Mine forever. 


Hello and welcome to my Journal. Life in the valley can be very difficult, but we need to remember that God is always faithful. Right now I’m in a valley, being tested and pruned so that in God’s time I’ll be ready to walk out of this valley, Victorious!  What I’ve been doing as I’m waiting is spending time with God and keeping on doing what He’s already asked me to do. I’m clinging onto hope because God is my firm foundation. God is faithful and I know that He will never let me down, and I’m going to stay faithful to Him. He has shown me His faithfulness all the time and I know His love through that. God gives me dreams and wakes me up at certain times. As you read my journal my hope is that even though I’m in a valley in my life, I hope you will be inspired to always keep your heart open to God no matter what’s going on in your life, because God is a God of Love and He always has a Good plan for our life. He knows how to lead us; we just need to trust Him and follow Him! Very often God draws my heart to Him through love songs! My love for God/Jesus keeps on growing as I continue to pursue Him. During the night God wakes me up at certain times with either a word from Him and/or a dream. So here’s my journal entry for today.

August 12: 12:23 I was high up in the air and as I was looking down I saw an animated sun; yellow lines like sun beams around the middle.

1:33 “Let everything, that has breath, praise the Lord! Praise the Lord!”

13:01 “The Joy of the Lord is my strength.” Bless the Lord, oh my soul, all that is within me, the joy of the Lord, the joy of the Lord is my strength.” 

I don’t remember what the time was when I awoke but I vaguely remember working in the kitchen. 

4:29 “The joy of the Lord, joy of the Lord is my strength.”

10:16 “The spirit is willing but the flesh is weak.”(needing to get up from a nap)

11:09 “My daughter, rise up.”

11:16 It’s all about Your love Papa. Your love is my foundation. Your love beckons me to come and help you save the world. I have a picture of You, Your love standing behind me as I’m preaching the gospel; Your love beckoning others to come to You as I speak. I see that Your eyes are full of love for me and for those who are hearing the words I speak. Your love for me is complete. Yes Papa, I’m drawing near, being engulfed by Your love. I’m rising up and following You. 

11:25 Come My daughter, you are Mine.

I got my church merch! I actually love them because of what they represent; my white T-shirt fits me well since it’s a women’s size! At camp at the pool I jumped into the pool from the side and then thought I’d try the diving board. I’ve never jumped off a diving board before but it was a lot of fun. Friday night during worship I was overwhelmed and wanted to go back to the cabin, but then I realized that I was probably feeling like this because this journey is almost done and the enemy was trying to make it as worse as possible. So I did the opposite and fought back so that I had God’s joy in my heart and was truly worshiping in victory. Then at the end I thought I was being led to come up to the front because it’s so normal for me to need to do that, but internally I had already claimed victory. Anyway, I still felt like I had just run a marathon and was tired but internally I was okay. Yesterday at home Lucas came and told us there was a lot of glass on the road a bit further down from where we live, so him and I went and cleaned it up. I took the broom and got out the pieces from the cracks in the road. It reminds me of the dream I got a little while back where I had walked along a ditch, looking for any garbage and in my dream I didn’t see any and so we walked out of the ditch. One of our neighbours came biking by and said that the pile of glass was there since Wednesday. We figured that someone broke the side window of a car. It was that day that we drove to camp so both of our vehicles weren’t on the road, so I’m so thankful that it didn’t happen to our vehicles. When we lived on Noble avenue we’d often go to Sub Zero for ice cream, thinking we need to go there again! At camp after one of the prayer times (but shared it with me after a service) someone had a prophetic word for me. The word was, “God will help me and He will comfort me on every side.” I was so comforted by this… I’m planning on going to Corporate Prayer in the morning. The graphics are always so amazing… Love and Blessings…

August 13: 4:58 “The Joy of the Lord, the Joy of the Lord is my strength.”

6:11 “The Joy of the Lord is my strength.”

In that moment, what came to my mind was that I wanted my moment of victory with Jesus.. afterward I was kicking myself internally because this is what was represented… I keep hearing the lyrics, “no I’m not giving up… gonna move on forward.” Then I thought that if I could have another chance at winning, then I’d know what to do. My hope of winning again was very small so when I did win again I thought this was from the Lord to give me another chance at doing the right thing. I did but I’m thinking that it was the first one that was the important one. I haven’t lost my resolve because I know I’m nearing the finish line and I know I need to stand firm and that Jesus loves me… I don’t know if tomorrow will present another opportunity.. but my hope is that I won’t forget to keep being alert so I won’t be taken by surprise again. 😭 Goodnight…