True Colours

Okay Dad, we watched Captain Marvel again yesterday and some things stood out to me; how could I not have noticed her name before? Father you’ve called me and now I recognize it with more insight than I did before.. even her true colours match the ones you’ve given to me in dreams. I remember feelings of deep longing that would come to me like little wisps of wind as I watched her trying to grasp onto links to her past that would tell her who she was. In the moments of indecision of which path to follow, it was her best friend who knew who she was and told her.. You’re calling me deeper into your heart and mine so that I can find that out for myself and begin to walk in it. 

Yes I have my faithful daughter. 

Father, I remember a quick dream you gave me a while back; I saw in the distance horses pulling a chariot, and it was you Jesus with someone else who stepped out of the chariot and began walking towards another person who was walking towards you. You were meeting with this person to discuss and see how they had made ready an army for you. You had come to see the condition of the army. This person had been in charge of making the army ready and was wearing a metal thing around their arm, from the wrist and almost to the elbow. When you gave me the dream, I sensed this person was me, and I’ve had the expectation that you would lead me into what you want me to do and left it at that. Father, I know you’re getting me ready for something, and this something is linked to who you know I am, and you’re revealing this to me as we walk on our journey together. 

My daughter, there is much that you don’t know that you’ll walk in and grow in. Seek me for understanding my faithful one and I will be near to you.

Father, you’ve taught me how to diligently seek you, and maybe this is what you want me to teach others. Father I wouldn’t know where to begin or what this should look like, except that they’d read and watch what I post. But even in that Father, you’ve created everyone with their unique way of relating to you -I need your wisdom. 

My faithful one, I’m leading you and I will lead them too. Follow me and I will make you a fisher of men. 


I’m so pumped because God gave me another revelation yesterday!! I’m on a quest to know who I really am in Christ, and I know that the Holy Spirit will be able to do more in me and through me as I keep following him on this journey. 

One thing I need to say is that if there’s anyone who thinks they’re living a boring life, all they need to do is spend more time with Jesus, really pursuing him every day, and he’ll lead them in the most amazing journey they’ll ever have in their life. And it’s not just about what happens externally in your life, it’s more about what happens in your heart between you and Jesus. There’s so much more to who Jesus is than we’d normally think, but it all comes back to his character. I’m just a child in knowing him because of the depth of who he is, but I know that as we continue our journey together, he is faithful to reveal more about himself to me as we walk. In every touch he gives me, he’s making me more alive in him!