Jesus Is Mine

“When Christ, who is your life, appears, then you also will appear with him in glory.” – Colossians 3:4


Papa, I love You.

I love you My daughter. Rest, you are Mine.

Papa, I don’t know if I can keep going.

Yes you can. With Me all things are possible.

Carry me Papa

I’ve got you My faithful one. Come, rest, you are Mine.


Hello and welcome to my Journal. Life in the valley can be very difficult, but we need to remember that God is always faithful. Right now I’m in a valley, being tested and pruned so that in God’s time I’ll be ready to walk out of this valley, Victorious!  What I’ve been doing so I don’t stay in a place of despair is spending time with God and crying out to Him because I know He hears me and He loves me. I’m keeping on doing what He’s already asked me to do. I’m clinging onto hope because God is my firm foundation. God is faithful and I know that He will never let me down, and I’m going to stay faithful to Him. He has shown me His faithfulness more times than I can count, and I know His love through that. God gives me dreams and wakes me up at certain times. As you read my journal my hope is that even though I’m in a valley in my life, I hope you will be inspired to always keep your heart open to God no matter what’s going on in your life, because God is a God of Love and He always has a Good plan for our life. He knows how to lead us; we just need to trust Him and follow Him! 

11:09 I sought the Lord, and He heard, and He answered. I sought the Lord, and He heart, and He answered. Thant’s why I trust Him, that’s why I trust Him.” 

1:06 I vaguely dreamt that we were all standing in a circle and if we had something, we were supposed to step forward. 

1:41 Bible diving as suffering. I was going into the Bible and reading from it. (I think what I meant by this is that when we take the Bible seriously, which I’ve been doing as I’ve been following the Lord, I’ve learned what it means to suffer as we carry our cross.) 

1:54 “I trust in God, my Saviour the One, who’s will never fail, He will never fail.” 

2:05 “I sought the Lord, and He heard, and He answered, I sought the Lord, and He heard, and He answered. That’s why I trust him! That’s why I trust Him!”

3:48  “I sought the Lord, and He heard, and He answered, I sought the Lord, and He heard, and He answered. That’s why I trust him! That’s why I trust Him!”

I dreamt there was some sort of dwelling place that was being protected from evil spirits. I had a knowing that the evil spirits were coming fast to kill whoever was in there, and I saw from afar, warrior angels who were protecting it, staying in one place in the air, facing the enemy. The dwelling place wasn’t a single house; I hardly saw it, but what I sense was that it was something like a huge castle, and there could have been a community living there I’m not sure); they were in mid air, facing the enemy as the enemy was rushing towards them (the warrior angels looked kind of like fierce animation with light (and a bit of red) shining from their clothes.). And they all had an arm out, ready for battle. Then I saw a glass barrier around the dwelling place, and as this wall of protection was rising fast around it, so were the protector warriors, always rising as the wall was rising higher and higher. At first when I saw the wall around it, I thought they were bars. Then I saw the evil spirits (I saw black vapour) come rushing towards it, and I thought they would be able to go through the bars, but when they hit it, I saw that the wall was a glass barrier that they couldn’t break through. As the wall was extending higher and higher, so was the enemy, but I saw from afar that the enemy couldn’t go up fast enough and when the wall kept on going higher and higher, they fell away. Then I saw the top of this wall; it stopped going higher (it seemed to have reached enough  height), and the fierce angel warriors were there, in the air, facing down at an angle and were ready to battle any evil that would dare to come up so high! It reminds me of when crows land on the eagles back and start pecking at it’s neck, all the eagle will do is fly up really high into the air where there’s less oxygen, and the crows fall off. I believe that as we’ve kept on going and going despite the difficulty in our journey, we’ve also been going higher and higher. I’m not sure what the height represents, but I know that it’s good! I also know that as we’ve been going higher, God has been restoring my heart and teaching me how to follow Him. He’s been preparing us for what’s ahead.

I also dreamt that I had a newborn baby. He/she was sleeping peacefully on a small round mattress on the floor (I didn’t see the baby, I just had a knowing. I saw the edge of the small round mattress on the floor as I was getting up from having been bent down.). I wished that I had a baby swing as I was getting up from putting the baby there to rest. Then I was somewhere nearby and I saw a man walking towards the baby with a smile on his face, and I quickly walked to my baby to protect him/her if I needed. I sensed that the man was kind and that I didn’t need to worry about anything. Wow, thank You Papa for this! I believe that this represents fruit, I have new life, and I also believe it represents that I’m finally going to be able to follow...

5:08 Papa..

Get up 

5:10 I’m getting up Papa… 

5:12 “He will never fail, He will never fail. I trust in God, my Saviour the One, who will never fail (Blessed assurance, Jesus is mine. He’s been my fourth man in the fire, time after time. Born of His Spirit, washed in His blood. And what He did for me on Calvary is more than enough. I trust in God, my Saviour The one who will never fail. He will never fail. I trust in God, my Saviour. The one who will never fail. He will never fail. Perfect submission, all is at rest. I know the author of tomorrow had ordered my steps. So this is my story and this is my song. I’m praising my risen King and Saviour all the day long. I trust in God, my  Saviour the one who will never fail. He will never fail…”)

5:23 My daughter, rise up

5:24 Papa, I’m coming. Help me come…

5:26 I will help you. 

9:40 I was on my knees by my bed, praying and fell asleep. When I awoke I heard the last few lines of the song, Gonna Be Alright (All Around Me), “Not gonna let fear talk me out of Your love for me. Not gonna let the pain talk me out of, You love for me. Not gonna let the doubt talk me out of, Your love for me, your love for me… It’s gonna be alright, it’s gonna be okay, standing here with you, You give me Your grace…”

In my dream I saw a long table, and women were sitting down and their round plates full of food were on the table. 

10:11 …I feel so alone, and most times I feel like a sailboat.” (the songs were playing as I was sleeping; (I woke up at the end of the song)

Just before 10:30, “way way way up, with your heart and your soul we’ve got to go home…” 

10:14 “Take my life and let it be a Holy offering. Here I am Lord all of me, I surrender everything. I leave my heart open, open to You. I’m holding back nothing, nothing from You…” 

11:02 (I wasn’t asleep; I heard these lyrics in my heart as I was praying) “If I’ve got Jesus, I’ve got all that I could ever need, take the world away from me, and I’ll be okay. If I’ve got Jesus, there’s a hope that living deep inside, a joy that I could never hide, and a safe place to fall, if I’ve got Jesus, I’ve got it all. I’ve seen weakness turn to strength, I’ve seen failures met with grace, and it’s not for what I’ve done but Christ in me. A miracle I can’t explain, of he’s given me his name, I’m the richest (woman) that I could ever be. If I’ve got Jesus. Someday that trumpets gonna sound, and the King of heaven will ride upon the clouds, coming down. I’ll hit my knees oh Lord this sings my soul. I’m going home. If I’ve got Jesus, I’ve got all that I could ever need, take the world away from me, and I’ll be okay. If I’ve got Jesus, there’s a hope that’s liven deep inside, a joy that I could never hide, and a safe place to fall. If I’ve got Jesus, I’ve got it all. hmmm” -Ben Fuller.   God/the Lord has become so much more real to me these last few days than He’s ever been before, and as I sang this song, I truly meant every word.

Tonight is Bella’s band performance at her school, and Lucas is playing his saxophone for it since they need that part to be played. Lucas wants to go to Peru next summer, a photography trip with someone who teaches at his school, though this isn’t considered a school trip. This is my 614th post. A good quote, “I have no desire to fit in to this world because God has set me apart by grace through faith since the day I believed that Christ died for my sins, was buried, and rose again!” I’m subbing all day tomorrow and I’m trying to finish reading my book this week. Blessings…❤️‍🔥