I Am God

Isaiah 46:9-11

“Remember the former things, those of long ago; I am God, and there is no other; I am God, and there is none like me. I make known the end from the beginning, from ancient times, what is still to come. I say: My purpose will stand, and I will do all that I please. From the east I summon a bird of prey; from a far-off land a man to fulfill my purpose. What I have said, that will I bring about; what I have planned, that will I do.” 

My Dad. Please come as I draw near to you. You are the Great I Am, and I worship you Father, for you are the King of my heart. There is no one like you, and you are my Dad. 

I love you Caroline. Come, for I am near to you this day.

Father, help me know what I must do to keep walking forward. 

My daughter, rest, for all is well with you; you are Mine.

Dad, the only time I remember to rest is when I’m talking with you. Help me to rest in my heart throughout the day and the coming days ahead. Help me to remember this Father.

The time has come My daughter, and you need to be at rest. 

OkayDad, I’ll do my best.


Hey it’s Sunday again… We got our Christmas tree today! Today on our way to church we passed a huge beautiful bald eagle standing right beside the road, watching us as we passed by; thinking it was guarding road-kill. This is one of those moments when I’m reminded how great our God is!! Last week when I dreamt about going into outer space, I also had gotten a call from Nassau, on the Island of New Providence, Bahamas; thought that was really interesting -a telemarketer. In one of my dreams last night, Lucas and I were outside in a small town and there were many people around us, like a community. I could hear praise and worship coming from a church really loudly and I asked Lucas if he knew anybody from that church so that he could go and join them. He said there’s always people he knew (because all his friends went to the various churches in town). So I encouraged him to go because for some reason we couldn’t go to our own church. So then he was really excited and went. I watched him go, then looked to the side and then looked back to where he’d be walking (on a straight horizontal line or sidewalk about a block or half a block from where I was standing), and saw him walk just out of my eyesight to the right, wearing white (like he’d be walking out of a picture or video). Then I was standing outside among a community of people who were having a bbq or something and I saw in front of me someone big sitting and eating from his big plate of food. I saw in my hand a round plate of food that was evenly filled with food; the food looked like a two inch thick, round filling and looked like a cake. I looked ahead of me and wanted to walk straight out to find a place to sit but the man was blocking the way, so I looked to my right side to see if I could walk out that way and saw that it was also filled with people and couldn’t see where I could walk. Then I looked back to the front of me to see if there was a way through but there wasn’t, so then I looked again to the side. Then I saw that I was walking through that way. Then I was by a tree, wanting to go up and eat my food there. The way up was on some kind of elevator and then there was something like a tree fort landing or platform that I’d sit on and eat my food by myself. But before I went up, I looked to my left side and saw the pulley system that brought the “elevator” up and I saw that it could slip or break at any moment, so I didn’t want to take the chance and decided not to go up. I’m not sure where I went. I really don’t know what these dreams mean. I know I need to go up on stage again and it could represent that, and when I think about something specific.. I can see myself breaking, so I don’t know what to do… God need’s to do something in me in order for me to be able to keep going. This week on the 7th I’m getting my hair cut:( On the 13th Bella has her school choir Christmas concert and on the 12th Lucas has his band concert. As I woke up this morning I sensed to wear something black; the Lord is doing something in my heart, and I need to break out of something that’s preventing deeper intimacy -I trust and love deeply, and I will follow where he leads.. Blessings…