God Is Near

“..being confident in this, that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus.” Philippians 1:6

Conversation and Reflection

Hello and welcome to my Journal. Life in the valley can be very difficult, but we need to remember that God is always faithful. Right now I’m in a valley, being tested and pruned so that in God’s time I’ll be ready to walk out of this valley, Victorious!  What I’ve been doing so I don’t stay in a place of despair is spending time with God and crying out to Him because I know He hears me and He loves me. I’m keeping on doing what He’s already asked me to do. I’m clinging onto hope because God is my firm foundation. God is faithful and I know that He will never let me down, and I’m going to stay faithful to Him. He has shown me His faithfulness more times than I can count, and I know His love through that. God gives me dreams and wakes me up at certain times. As you read my journal my hope is that even though I’m in a valley in my life, I hope you will be inspired to always keep your heart open to God no matter what’s going on in your life, because God is a God of Love and He always has a Good plan for our life. He knows how to lead us; we just need to trust Him and follow Him! 

Last night I was getting ready to climb into bed when I sensed the Lord say “come.” It was shortly after midnight, so after kneeling for a while I thought it was okay to go to bed, but I didn’t sleep for long periods of time because the Lord was always giving me short dreams as soon as I would fall asleep! After awhile when the Lord kept on showing me things, I began inviting Him to keep showing me things because being in His presence is so awesome and I wanted to keep the fire going in my heart to hear Him rather than thinking about tiredness. I actually felt rested in the morning, though now I can feel it; hoping I can take a bit of a nap before heading to the city tonight..Having said that, I just wrote everything I sensed, so I’m not sure if some of it is from my own thinking or not. I’m thankful for God’s never ending Grace for my life…

12:16 Praying in the Spirit about Sunday morning and I sensed the word “enough.” 

12:21 Papa, I’m asking for Your Grace.. (pressing in..)

You have it.

12:22 Come, all is well with you.

12:24 Papa, thank You.. I worship You with all my heart. 

12:25 I’m sensing the word “Freedom.” 

12:28 “Ready”

12:29/12:30 “All is well. Go in Peace.” Thank You Papa with all my heart.. I love You, I worship You. 

12:33 You’re welcome. I love you My darling.

12:47 Dreamt of seeing a girl around six years old, standing in front of an open doorway with a basket in her hands. I think someone older or bigger went to her to maybe try and take it away or something, but the girl defended herself by using her arm to push the person away and staying focused, always looking forward and keeping her peace, and the other person ran from her. The girl had a dress or skirt on.

1:01 “Minister. Harvest. (Done?)

1:05 “That’s why, over and over” (two teens talking? Smiling)

1:08 In fact, that’s why..

1:12 I vaguely saw a baby sitting on the floor, arm hit the floor like he/she was a content toddler

1:17/18 We were kids back then, young and free

1:21 A family: mom, son, dad: The dad said about his son, “he needs a laptop.” It felt like there was a war going on and they were strategizing. I think I saw the dad giving him one. It had a “stress” feeling like they needed to be in a hurry to figure something out.

1:27 “staying in his room until he’s ready.” (I think a little boy was being disciplined)

1:31 we were young and free, gonna live forever. That’s how it’s gonna be.”

1:37 Two people standing in the rain with umbrellas, yet sunny

1:41 A dad was trying to help solve a conflict between two siblings.

1:44 dreamt about setting up the sidewalk cafe

1:47 Dreamt that my sister came over.

1:50 dreamt that a pastor came over (to another pastors house) and was supposed to trust him.

1:53 “Tell them about Jesus” Someone and his wife (I’m not sure if this was exactly the sentence; but the word Jesus was very clear.

1:56 I dreamt that a basement was all cleaned up and looked very nice. I saw a table and chairs , a sweet, all set up. I was on the main floor, looking down the stairs at it, and it looked sunny and bright. 

2:09 Jessie

2:12 saw a Pecan Pie

2:16 “Glassiers”? (I don’t even know if this is a word.. this is what it sounded like.) I also dreamt something but I forget what it was. (later I remembered that I had seen that Bella had gold in her long beautiful hair.)

2:22 “Thankful”

2:24 “So you waited for me.” Someone came to someone’s house .

2:27 “that’s not under?(something) Carolyn.” My sister said this. She always calls me Carolyn. 

2:32 Heard “Sunday” and saw the colour yellow

2:38 Someone was at their end of something, couldn’t go more back. Because of this someone (I) trusted that person and was so happy about it. Like something was done and it was a new beginning.

2:45 Someone was being taken care of. Someone had come over to someone’s house and was taking care of that person (mentor?)

2:49 Look into your eyes I see it, I see it, I really do I see it (I had put the phone down, then heard in my heart at 2:50)

2:50 extraordinary magic in you

2:54 We were kids back then, thought we’d live forever, 

3:00 A couple had travelled from somewhere, another country like the States, hoping they didn’t miss a birthday or an exciting occasion, and they had arrived at the persons house who was celebrating something.

3:04 Bella was holding a mug of coffee in her hands. I saw the mug was full and had some white cream/foam on the top like a capitano. I also remembered what I had seen earlier; Bella had gold in her hair.

3:16 naked (and unashamed)

3:18 the verse about “your God is my God. (The story about Ruth, Niomi and Boaz)

3:22 Dreamt about the Bible times where it was time to change the outlook posts; a transition with the guards. A different guard was coming to relieve the one whose shift had ended. 

3:28 Dreamt that I was in a high school and saw the teachers hanging out. 

Two days ago I dreamt that I was in my car and I glanced at the side mirror and was a bit startled to see someone standing there who was dressed in white. So I started to roll down my window to talk with this person. Feeling like he came out of nowhere. Jesus came back!

3:34/35 “That’s how it’s gonna be!”

3:37 There was a group of people in the house and they were about to pray a blessing over someone because he was about to go somewhere.

3:40 I love You Papa!!!

3:43 In German I heard my mom , but a different lovely and sweet voice like the Holy Spirit, saying “New foidich zan.” (“new,” “are finished” -I have no idea how to write german..)

Papa, Jesus, Holy Spirit, I love You so much!!! Thank You ThankYou Thank You!!!

You’re welcome My daughter, you are Mine and I love you.”

3:51 Dreamt someone went to someone’s house and was giving someone their book to read . 

3:55 I dreamt that I was going to be someone’s mentor. 

3:58 I dreamt I saw someone have a line up of little toy blue cars, all identical (in the blue zone?)

4:02 “Just do as you please.” I was in a dorm, felt like a collage dorm, guy roommates, settling in, living their independence. 

4:09 Dreamt about Lucas and Bella and about a couch. I think Lucas was sitting on the couch and there was something about the seat being hot. Bella was close by. Lucas had his feet on the couch underneath him

4:14 Papa, I need to use the bathroom but I don’t want to leave. Will You be here, will this continue when I get back? “Yes My darling..”

4:22 “I love you Daddy…”

I love you My darling.

4:28 Caroline 

4:31 Yellow train going very fast in beautiful landscape, taking off

4:34 I saw blue, blue faces that were animated

4:36 I saw someone’s arm and hand, dropping a small seed in a glass cup on the table. This dream had a Holy feel, like this was Jesus Christ’s hand; I saw a loose white sleeve.

4:40 I saw from the sky, aerial point of view, some empty lots beside each other and a house on a rectangular lot.

4:42 let my people go! (like Moses)

4:46 I saw someone, maybe me, remembering we need a vacation 

4:49 I heard someone whisper my name, “Carolyn!”

4:50 Here I am Papa.

Come (feeling like God wants to use me for something)

Yes Papa, I’ll follow You anywhere, anytime.

4:54 “Here I am, coming close. I need You right now Jesus.”

4:59/5 a feeling like one church dropping a bomb on another one and the one that had the bomb dropped onto it, smiling and saying something like, ” it feels like you’re being hostile or something.” (people are the church)

5:04 a group of people in a cabin like church camp

5:11 “with the Gardener”

5:14/15 I vaguely saw a yellow shirt, someone wearing a yellow shirt.

5:22 “extraordinarily magic, in you…”

5:27 “going shirtless” In this dream there were two guys, feeling like they were part of a group of people hanging out, and they had no shirts on.

5:31/32 Seeing a nice residential community…

I saw a blue bike sometime during the night.

5:59 Saturday (I had been sleeping and woke up when I heard  in my heart someone say “Saturday.”

6:42 We were kids back then, thought we’d live forever..

8:40 Alive (it’s alive or something is alive)

8:54 Free

9:08 Come My daughter, it’s time.

10:00 Rest, all is well with you.

10:04 Yes My daughter, go. (praying about meeting one of the ladies for coffee today. I sensed the Holy Spirit telling me to invest in her life.) 

Yes this Wednesday is the day…

I went for coffee (tea) this morning at Tim Hortons and got to know my new friend a bit better, being more of a mentor. I believe the dream I had about the arm and hand putting a seed into a clear glass cup or something represents the seeds I’m going to plant as I follow the Lord. I sensed it was okay not to go to Shopgym today because I was up so much last night. Craving to be with Jesus!!!❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥 I’m really pressing in to the Lord about tomorrow; Sidewalk cafe and the evening.. really praying that I’ll hear correctly and Gods strength to follow.. Like someone said, a pipe is broken on his air conditioner for his house; I’m praying for a miracle, that Holy Spirit will do a miracle and fix the broken “pipe” in my heart so that the oil of joy? Will be restored because the Joy of the Lord is my strength! God bless you…

July 10: “I see it, I see it,  I swear I do I see it extraordinary magic in you.”

12:43 “has power to save has power to save”

3:10 it’s gonna be alright. It’s gonna be okay. Standing here with you, you give me your grace. 

4:13 “another opportunity “

5:13 If I know for sure that God is asking me to get baptized again, then I will do it. 

8:26 song: “Gonna be Alright” In the hot seat this morning, crying out to God and seeing light blue and yellow in my mind. 

8:51/52 Sail boat. “Please let the wind blow me home…”

10:19 Jesus wearing grey and pointing his arm straight out.

10:20 white dress

10:36 A big light green heart

“Deep roots that are being grown is a deep friendship being built…” ❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥 I heard in my heart, “you did it; you passed.” I love my Jesus and I’m so thankful for him!!!