Renewing my Strength

Isaiah 40:31

“..those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint.” 

My Dad, I love you. Thank-you Holy Spirit for giving me words as I was praying for someone yesterday. I heard them so clearly and they kept on coming; this has never happened to me before. Wow Father, praying for people would be so easy if I could hear you like this for everyone.

Caroline My daughter. Rest. I am renewing your heart one step at a time (Here I heard the word “thorough.”).

Dad, thank-you for doing this.

All is well with you my darling – you are Mine. 


Early this morning when I woke up to get ready to go to the gym, I heard in my heart the lyrics, “Break every stronghold, shine the rough the shadows, burn like a fire. I just want to speak the name of Jesus.” I’m sensing the Lord leading me into more spiritual freedom, and I’m so thankful.. This morning we did a lot of back-squats, box jumps, power cleans, power snatches and handstand walks (I did feet from a box with my hands on the floor creating an arch and walking sideways with my hands). I can feel it in my back that I’ve not done back-squats in awhile; they’ve been doing back-squats on Mondays for the last little while. I need to keep my back strong because I can feel my lower spine go out of place easily, so back-squats help to keep the muscles in my lower back strong so that that doesn’t happen. 

This morning was a bit difficult, just feeling like this part of the journey will never end. But I know God is good all the time and everything he does in my life is for a good purpose. So I’ll wait and keep following him.. I spoke with my mentor this morning and we talked about a few of the dreams I’ve gotten recently. The one where I saw her walking in a hallway is showing me that I’m in a transition and that rest is coming -I had sensed a bedroom given to me in a big room, so rest is coming and is around the corner. Also the dream about my work (my school division), the Lord is showing me that he’s already given me work to do there, so I need to continue with that. Lately I’ve been feeling like I need to make getting ready for my next message a priority, so I’ve been having a difficult time saying yes to subbing. I’m feeling less confusion about that. So I need to have a balance between the two. Also, I’m going to resume going to the gym three times a week. blessings…