Warrior Bride of Christ!

My Dad, you know me by name, a new name, a new song written in my heart. Let the words of my mouth and the meditations of my heart be acceptable to you, my Father. 

My daughter, I do know you by name. I see your heart and all your thoughts and I love you.

My Dad, the fear is gone. I feel like it’s lost it’s hold on me. My heart is now content, waiting for you!

I’ve come my daughter.

Father, you’ve come.. now what? I can feel it in my heart that I’m not running anymore, only to you and your great plans for me. Thank you for pursuing my heart in the way that you have..I know that it’s been a great battle, a battle we’ve won! I feel that you’re giving me a fresh start, a new beginning to live my life your amazing way. I’ve trust-fallen into you, knowing in the deepest part of who I am that I am secure and will always be. Your great desire for my life has become mine and is something I cannot imagine living without. Thank you for this rich blessing!

My daughter, I’ve been preparing you for this day -all is well with you, and all I do is good -trust in me, always.


Just a quick update to say that I feel like God has turned a page in my book! A few years ago when I sensed that the Lord is preparing my heart for the next chapter of my life, I had a sense that this transition wouldn’t be very long, but in reality, it’s taken longer than I thought it would. I think it’s because when we don’t know what or how the Lord is going to do something, it’s easy to wonder how long something will take. God has definitely been preparing my heart in unexpected ways! I think that what we fear the most is also attached to our hearts greatest desire or gift, and that’s why the enemy pursues us to fear it because he wants to destroy our life. But God sees what we don’t see, and when we continue to pursue him, diving into the deep end together, we can win any battle because God knows exactly how to battle through it!

A few years ago my sister Connie and I went to IHOP, Kansas city for a weekend woman’s conference. They have a store where they sell books, God inspired art and other things. I saw a hand-drawn picture of a woman who represents a warrior bride of Christ, and at the back of this drawing was a bit of an explanation about the art and also a prophetic word for who-ever would purchase this drawing…but it was packaged up and the prophetic word was covered up so that no-one could see what the prophetic word was until it was bought. I’ve had this drawing on my wall by my desk and hadn’t read the back for a long time. This morning I took it off my wall and read it again, and I simply love everything she wrote -I thought I’d share it here with you!

Warrior Bride Of Christ: 

It’s been on my heart to have visual concepts of the Bride of Christ to be ready and set for more than just battle but to be ready for the wedding. I hope this to be one of many to give courage and faith to those who are in the midst of battle in this world but also being prepared for the wedding day is just as important. Her face is set, running into the battle as the Dove leads, veil flying behind her as it’s part of her armour. Each layer of her dress represents her Spirit, Soul, and Body and how she will present her whole self to the Bridegoom on our wedding day that’s coming soon. Yet there is no fear to ruining the wedding attire because being covered in his blood already, nothing can blemish His Bride! So Warrior on Bride and fight the good fight, praise Him with all your might! For the Bridgroom is coming! 

Prophetic Word:

I see the Lord handing you a whole new paint set full of vibrant and lively colours. As you look at it I can see the colours penetrating into your eyes and begin to fill your spirit! Those colours make your spirit vibrant and lively again and you will start bubbling over with prophetic promises from the Lord for others, for your community, city, and family! The Lord is expanding your calling! Blessings!!