Blow Before I Sound The Horn!

John 12:46

“I have come into the world as a light, so that no one who believes in me should stay in darkness.”


My Papa. Thank-you from the deepest part of my heart that You are saving me from who I thought I was and from living a shallow life because of that. I praise You Papa; I worship You. You are the God of the universe, the King of kings. You are the King of my heart. There is no one like you! 

I love you My daughter. Come, you are Mine.

Papa, help me not hold You back, and help me not miss Your perfect timing for Your will for my life. Please fill me with Your presence as I spend time in Your presence. Fill me with Your love so that theres an overflow that will spill onto others as they see You through me. Help me become a better example of what You look like. Help me love those around me wherever I go with Your love. And continue to grow me up in You. You are mine forever!

I love you My daughter. All is well with you. I will surely help you do all I ask you to do. Be near to Me and I will be near to you.

Thank-you Papa. I raise my hands in worship to You. I adore You and praise Your Holy Name!


Hello everyone, welcome to today’s page in my journal! The Lord wakes me up most nights at certain times after He’s given me a dream, which I sometimes don’t know the meaning of but other times I do, and it’s such a great comfort to my heart. I absolutely love sharing what God is doing in my heart, hoping it’ll inspire you to spend time with God everyday and grow the most fulfilling relationship with Him!

This morning at 5:02 I woke up with these lyrics in my heart, “I may not know what a day may bring, but I know who brings the day.” Then I fell asleep and woke up at 5:30 and had dreamt of seeing many deep green hot peppers, and I saw one or two I’m not sure had the tip part broken off or had been bitten off. I bought hot peppers for the salsa that I’m going to make, probably on Saturday. Then I fell asleep again and woke up almost right away at 5:43 because I heard these words in my heart, “Blow before I sound the Horn.” I’m thinking this is referring to the message I need to tweak and re-record before I present it.

I dreamt last night that I was driving really fast on Hwy 311, driving towards an intersection (Hwy 59). I thought there was a red light so I slammed on the brakes with both my feet, and the car was slowing down but not enough to stop before going through to the other side of the highway. I was hoping I wouldn’t hit anyone and that it would be clear to cross. As I was getting closer to the intersection I saw that the light was actually green. I needed to take a left turn and I couldn’t turn while going so fast so I was just going to keep going straight until I stopped and then I’d make a u-turn and go back onto hwy 59 to go north. But after I crossed the highway I drove into or went into an open room. I don’t remember what that room was for or what I did, this part was vague. 

I couldn’t post yesterday because we didn’t have an internet connection, so this is what I would have posted: Last night I woke up at 2:something that equaled to 13, but I was so tired that I fell asleep again right away. Something I saw vaguely in a dream was a person who was standing on the beach by an ocean, holding a big wide leaf flat against himself with both of his hands which he got from the ocean; he was standing about ten feet in front of me, facing me and looking at me, though I didn’t see his eyes. The leaf looked like a lily-pad and was big enough to cover most of his chest down and the top of his legs. Then in another dream it was like I was going fast-forward, seeing all the times where I could have put a warm towel around me but I had chosen not to. Then I saw someone laying on a couch or bed with a long white housecoat on; I thought to give it to her but then I thought she already had a nice warm housecoat (my housecoat) on and she probably wouldn’t feel the warmth of the towel through the housecoat, so I put it around myself instead. I believe this has something to do with comfort, that I’ve finally decided to allow myself the comfort of something, maybe the warmth of community and genuine friendship. 

A few nights ago I dreamt that I had a ponytail in my hair. My hair’s pretty short so in my dream I was feeling how short my ponytail was with my right hand. I’m hoping that I can have longer hair again soon. There’s something about having short hair that’s been a challenge for me, which is probably one of the reasons why the Lord has led me to cut my hair almost a year ago. When I had long hair, I could hide behind it. Short hair exposes me more and has made me more self-conscious in the past. So I believe that having short hair now has helped me gain more confidence as the Lord has been working in my heart. Today I listened a podcast by Ana Werner and Amanda Hill entitled, A Season to Slay the Giants. I really took it to heart and sobbed. I need to watch it again. I had such a wonderful time last night at church. Something I know in my heart and looking back I can see that the Lord has been helping me to become undignified in front of others. This is exactly what I needed and will always need in order to have true humility. Pride is so sneaky. I’m so thankful for others for not giving up on me.. I am truly blessed, and I pray that I will also be a blessing to others.. Something I want to add is that the act of praying with someone at Power and Praise, I felt like it was a father’s affirmation, and I was able to pray again for someone yesterday, having total peace as I was praying. I’m so amazed at God’s leading and God’s love, and I’m so thankful for my church community. Tonight I’m heading out to my friends place to do our first group study for The Bless Lifestyle; I’m so blessed to be able to call her my friend! 

Something I want to add too is that I’m sensing something about the dream I had a few nights ago where someone was going backwards, turning a gear, to show at what cost he would take to ensure every person’s safety. I believe it happened at the door as I was locking it; what this represents is that I feel 100 percent safe with Jesus my husband. He has seen all my messes and he still loves me. It’s taken me so long to work through my heart things and he’s still right beside me. He’s never given up but continues to lead. All I see is his patience and determination to do what’s right. I see an abundance of integrity, and my respect and love has grown so much because this has never stopped and I know it will never stop. I see love behind it all. I’m sorry for the long thorns that I had put around my heart in order to protect myself, and I’m so thankful that Jesus my husband has never given up but has carefully worked through them in order to be able to get to the center of my heart. My heart is wide open and I’m completely trusting him.. That’s it for now, many many blessings to you!!! 

Today has been really busy but I’ll be posting later today! I made home-made pizza for supper, which are baked and ready for when my kiddos are home from school. I’m actually picking Lucas up so that we can leave earlier! Blessings..😋