My Eyes on You

Father, my heart is an open book to You, and I have such great pleasure to have you read it. I have such a deep desire to please You. You are my God and I will always praise You. Thank-you that You never get tired of being in conversation with me. 

My daughter, I have many good plans for you. I fill you with My presence every time we’re together. Every day I draw you close to My heart. Please do not step back from Me. This is really Me you are talking with. 

Dad, please forgive me for doubting You. I know talking with You is not too good to be true. Jesus, You are the great I Am from the Bible. You revealed Yourself to Moses so long ago and showed him Your back as You walked by him; Your back with all the red scars that now shine brighter than the sun. Adam walked intimately with You, and Enoch walked with You for so long before You took him away into heaven. You still are the great I Am, and You are the Lion living within me!

Yes My daughter, I am the same today as I was yesterday and will be tomorrow. I Am the first and the last. I Am Who I Am and I will always be. 

Lord, I feel so humbled right now…I feel like I’m a child when I’m with You. I think I talk with You like a child. I also feel self-centred like a child because I’m in Your presence and yet my insecurities come to the surface like it’s all about me. I am so thankful that Your light shines in the darkness of my heart. I give You my insecurities so I can stop being self-focused and put my trust in You and in Your ability instead.

My daughter, I am pleased to call you My own. It takes a lot of work to humble yourself before Me every day. I don’t want you to change your heart’s position towards me and put on a show. Stay humble and be real, for this is the way into My heart. 

Lord, I trust You as I follow where You lead -You are my Shepherd and I really do hear Your voice. Thank-you for helping me hear Your voice so I can walk with You and rest in You when You say it’s time to rest. 

I love you and I am pleased with you Caroline. 


The Lord gave me a dream one night, and in this dream He scared the enemy away, running! The Lord had had enough of the enemy tormenting me with shame about how I looked. Early on in my life I had fallen into the trap about having the ideal body shape, and as my pursuit of the Lord deepened in the last twelve years, I simply gave this burden to Him and trusted Him as I walked where He led. 

In this dream I saw a great big Lion standing by a person who was laying dormant on the floor. Then I saw the Lion flinging the person back and forth like a rag doll, never letting go, against the floor as if to beat something out of the person. Then after a little while I saw my sister walking on the sidewalk in front of my house, and I yelled out to her with excitement, saying she’d never guess what had just happened! 

When I awoke I knew exactly what the Lord had done for me. I knew the Lord had caused shame to flee from this area of insecurity. I knew this to be true and it witnessed within my spirit that something heavy was gone and the Lord’s peace had taken its place. 

I had surrendered myself to the Lord and put my trust in Him as the battle raged around me, meaning, I pushed through and followed the Lord despite the feelings of insecurity I had, and the Lord came to my rescue! This battle is mostly not a battle anymore; the enemy reminds me about it, but I stand my ground because I know the battle has already been won, and I won’t let the enemy take back the ground I had gained. What matters most is staying humble and doing His work —my life is all about Him!