Come, and You will See

Father, I have this imagined place I think you’re leading me to. I’m not sure if I have it right but if I’m right, it’s a place I never imagined myself to be. 

Caroline, what’s your secret sauce?

Writing as I spend time with you. Writing when I reflect on what you’re teaching me. 

My daughter come, I will show you another one. 

Okay Dad, you lead the way and I’ll follow. How will I know?

You will see my dear one. 

Okay, my heart is open to you Lord as I wait expectantly for you. Father, I want my passion for you to grow deeper. Deeper so that my relationship with you will grow as I know you more, and also so that this passion will spill out and cause a fire to burn within the hearts of others for you. This is what I want. 

Then come and follow me because I know exactly how this can be done. 

My Father, as I’m pondering your words, I’m sensing that speaking is the next right thing…that speaking is the next secret sauce you want me to enjoy. 

Do you enjoy speaking my daughter?

I do Father, but it stresses me out a bit because I’m so new at it. 

Remember my faithful one, the more you grow in it the more you will enjoy it. 

Father, I understand this is part of walking in my calling as I journey with you; you lead me deeper into my calling as you reveal these hidden treasures of ways I can enjoy spending more time with you, doing what you’ve called me to do. Before I began journaling, I didn’t know I’d enjoy it so much. I never thought I’d enjoy talking with you as much as I do, and I never thought you’d lead me into opening up a website where I’d be posting these journal entries and talking about some of them in my recordings. As I’ve followed you, each step has led and prepared me for the next. 

Come my faithful one, let’s walk deeper in. There are many of these hidden treasures that are waiting to be found by you. 


I’ve learned with each hidden treasure the Lord leads me to discover, every one of them brings me more life, and every one of them I’ve learned is part of who I am, who God’s made me to be that he wants me to grow into becoming disciplined in. What’s in the centre of this is growing an intimate love relationship, every single day, with the community of the Father, Jesus and the Holy Spirit. 

This morning during my Bible time, I was reading John 1:38,39 about Jesus’ first disciples:   Turning around, Jesus saw them following and asked, “What do you want?” They said, “Rabbi (which means Teacher), “where are you staying?” “Come,” he replied, “and you will see.”

I’m reminded that when we truly want to become disciples of Jesus, we need to follow him so that he can show us his heart, his home, because it’s only when we do that, that our spiritual eyes will be opened, more and more as the Holy Spirit leads us deeper into Gods heart. 

A few nights ago in a dream I saw a pure white tree; the trunk, branches and leaves were all white. I’m not exactly sure what the Lord means by this, but I’m thinking that it means something pure (white) has been established. I know that I don’t pursue the Lord enough for the meaning of the things he shows me. I had forgotten about the tree in my dream until we watched Avatar yesterday. What stood out to me about the white tree in the movie was the connection the characters made with it, that it actually heard the main characters request. There are many other ways I can relate to what happens in the movie, but I was just reminded that God really does hear me when I talk with him. I know that as I keep pursuing the Lord, I’m being made more alive, being changed into becoming more like Jesus. I think by now I’m rambling and the idealistic part of my brain is talking because I feel my eyelids drooping… it’s been a busy day. I used to give manicures and pedicures, so today I cut my puppy’s nails with the biggest nail clipper I have and filed them with my foot file:) got away with only getting one scratch!

Last week I had mentioned that an old fear had started pursuing me again. The night after I shared this, God gave me a dream that as I was being pursued, I jumped into an opening so that I could get away, but saw in mid air that I was going to land into a water trap. I would have fallen in but it was like the air beside me caught me with its arms and gently brought me down onto the ground. After that I’ve not felt the enemy’s pursuit as strong as it had become…I’m so thankful for my prayer support!!