We Can Do This!!

“Do not grieve, for the joy of the Lord is your strength!” -Nehemiah 8:10


Papa, I love You so much! Thank-You for Your love and for Your rich mercy, Thank-You for Your faithfulness all these years. I didn’t know that I didn’t know the true state of my heart. 

My darling, I am who I saw I am, and you are who I say you are; you are Mine, my daughter who I love.

Papa, please forgive me for my unbelief in the past and for any unbelief I still may have, hidden in my heart. I pray that You would reveal these areas of unbelief so that I can be closer to You. 

My daughter, rest, all is well with you. Come and find rest for your soul.

Papa, I’m sensing the word, Victory. In my dream I didn’t know if I could make it through the field without the wolves catching me. But I’m determined to keep my eyes on the finish line, focused on Jesus and what You’re leading me to do. Help me to clearly discern Your voice and give me boldness to pursue You without getting sidetracked. I need to complete it this time! Please help me do it, whatever it takes!!

I will help you My daughter. You are Mine. Declare it done!

Papa I declare that it is done in Jesus name! I declare that this time around I will do it because of the joy that’s in my heart; Your joy is my strength! Amen and Amen! 


Hello and welcome to today’s page in my journal! The Lord wakes me up most nights at certain times after He’s given me a dream, which I sometimes don’t know the meaning of but other times I do, and it’s such a great comfort to my heart. I absolutely love sharing what God is doing in my heart, hoping it’ll inspire you to spend time with God everyday and grow the most fulfilling relationship with Him. For the past while God has been taking me through a spiritual shower. I believe He’s preparing me for what’s coming up next. He’s purifying my heart so that my heart is clean before Him. It also clears the way for me to hear Holy Spirit better when there’s no mess in the way. I record the times when God says something to me because even in that, there’s meaning. Blessings. 

I woke up at 2:55 and had dreamt that wolves were trying to get us. I was standing on one side of an open field (like a football or soccer field), looking at the other side. I needed to run to the other side but I knew there were wolves hiding in the tall wheat in the surrounding fields (I didn’t see any wheat, but I had a sense there were fields around us), and I didn’t know if I could make it. Someone was in their car on my left, surveying the field with me, being my support and feeling like we were in this together. (I think their passenger side window was open and they were sitting in the drivers seat) I could see on the other side of the field there was a vehicle that I needed to get to (I just needed to get to the other side where I would be safe), and there I would be safe. In another part of the dream I had a thought to just stay in the car which would be easier, but that wasn’t what I needed to do. Then in another part of my dream a big wolf had lunged toward me and was flying through the air and was about to land on me when someone shot and killed it. I saw its mouth wide open as it lunged towards me, but the size of its mouth was the size of a persons mouth. I think I also saw some colours in its mouth. However I’m led, I will follow!!!

5:05 “…I’ll praise when I’m outnumbered, praise when surrounded, cause praise is the water my enemies drown in. As long as I’m breathing, I’ve got a reason to Praise the Lord, oh my soul. Praise the Lord, oh my soul! I won’t be quiet my God is alive! How could I keep it inside!” 

7:24 “I couldn’t love you any more, any more, any more than I do right now, I couldn’t love you any more, any more, any more than I do right now.”

7:43 “I’m beginning to talk” I sensed these words as I was waking up. Yes! I’ve wished for so long that my tongue would loosen up so that I can be more free to talk. 

I feel like I’m in that place of the woman who washed the feet of Jesus with her hair. I didn’t realize it but my heart has been in a spiritual coma and whatever I did, I did because it was the right thing to do. So I was far from God yet God was closer to me than I realized. I have given my all and will keep giving my all for as long as God requires it, because I know He’s loving me through it and enabling me to love Him more through it (and leading me in my purpose).

My aunt and her husband have pastored a church in Ontario. My aunt was also a pastor and spoke often in their church! Changing the subject completely, there’s so much water in our neighbours back yard, that whole area in the back where our well is (four neighbours share the well that’s in our neighbours back yard beside our fence), that the water has gone into the well and now our tap water is dirty/muddy. I went running today (22 rounds) and I forgot that I can’t take a shower! I’m going to the IF Gathering tonight and tomorrow, so fun! Many blessings…