Little Snippets

My Dad, you are mine, You are the one I love, whom I miss deeply when I’ve not stepped into line with you. Thank you that I’ve come into line with you now and that we’re walking forward together. 

My daughter, I will bless the work of your hands. I love you Caroline -all is well with you.


Todays post is a bit late… I feel like I’ve crammed so many things into today, all of them being little snippets of important things; even my conversation was so short today. This morning I was reading Jeremiah 13:1-11 and I love the simplicity of how the Lord showed Jeremiah something so important -simple, which makes the message very clear and no room for misinterpretation! When we refuse to listen to God’s words, we are like the ruined belt -completely useless! Not worthless, but useless. He’s talking about his own people; I think we as his children need to pursue God more so that we can hear his voice so that God can use us more:) In verse 17 it says that God weeps in secret when we don’t listen but go our own way. How sad is that, to make God weep because of how the stubbornness of our heart leads us into captivity. The only reason I’d want to make him weep is by how much my life shows him how much I love him. But in my walk with him, he’s needed to show me many times where in my life I was being held captive; just last night he gave me a dream about exactly that. Good intentions doesn’t quiet reach obedience.

The first dream the Lord gave me last night was, there was a lady who represents cross-fit, selling her house and she was looking for someone to buy it. I saw that it was like a package deal where she had included everything one would need in order to live there. Then in a separate dream I dreamt that something really heavy and thick dropped on top of the whole area where I was, and there was someone small that reminds me of a fairy that I wondered about, if she was okay. Then I saw that she had gone into a big spacious tent, and it felt like it was me, even though I could vaguely see what she was doing. As I vaguely saw her come into the tent, I also saw that there was a lady who had big spider/octopus legs that were attached to her back I think, come into the tent on the opposite side, and she had such a victorious smile on her face like she had won. There was a canopy of some sort at one side of the tent and she told the “fairy” to go and magically put two rows of flowers on top of them for decoration. The fairy went right away to do what she was told and flew off to do it. Then the lady with spider legs was in her glory as she spewed confetti from her mouth all over the floor, but this confetti soon melted and disappeared. In the first dream the Lord is inviting me to be committed in doing cross-training again. Crossfit is something I’ve really enjoyed and became disciplined in. I know the Lord isn’t inviting me to go back to taking classes like I used to do, but because I know how to do all of that, I need to become disciplined in it at home again. I know without a doubt that if I choose not to follow the Lords leading in this, then I’ve voluntarily become captive by the enemy in that area. I had a feeling in my dream like, if I listen to this lady, then I won’t face so much opposition, making it easier. I know though that I can’t think this way in any area of my life. This morning I went for a run and then did a short workout, and I will do it again tomorrow and the day after…lets see how many days in a row I can keep this up! 

Today and Thursday are track-meet days for my kiddos; a piano recital tomorrow evening and Thursday night another softball practice and Saturday’s the fair… this week is a crazy week!