A Love Letter Written to my Heart

Father, show me my heart. Please give me the courage to say what I need to say in my next recording. My recordings have all been about my journey with you as you’ve led me to know my calling. It’s all been according to your will and your timing -every step of our journey together.. 

Yes it has, and I love spending time with you and showing you what is best for you -leading you in the way you should go because I love you Caroline. Come, the time is near and is at hand -you are mine. 

Father, my heart is soaking up every word you say. If I’d sum up our journey together, I’d say that you’ve written a love letter to my heart. The intimacy we’ve shared has grown, and I can say that I’ve found my hearts deepest desire in you. The only way to find this hidden treasure is to follow a faceless map, one that can only be followed by faith. This is the best way to learn how to hear your voice and is the only way to walking deeper into the Fathers heart. No one can walk in the Fathers heart without walking it intimately with you. You Jesus are the gate and only you know where the treasures are that are waiting to be found by those who are willing to walk the more difficult road with you. You asked me now to coach a group of others so they can also find this hidden journey you want to take them on, and it is my absolute pleasure to do this with you!! Yes Father, my answer is still yes -I will do it because I love you. You’re my Dad and I want to please you above all else -I’m devoted to you.

Come my daughter, all is well with you. I will lead you in the way you need to go. You are mine, the one I love.


Jesus my husband has captured my heart and I will forever be faithfully in love with him.. because this is what a warrior bride of Christ is. There is nothing more fulfilling than to walk intimately with Jesus as he leads us to discover the calling he’s placed on our life. This road is difficult, but because it’s difficult, it’s also adventurous -there is nothing more adventurous than to walk by faith, by following a faceless map. What is unseen by us is seen by the one we need to follow, and by following him, our friendship, trust and love with him will grow. Because we follow this map by faith, we also don’t know where this map will lead or when it will be done, and this is why we need to keep spending time with Jesus every day so that the passion he requires will only grow stronger so that we won’t give up when it becomes difficult. Everything about walking with God and doing the work he’s called us to do depends on it. If this passion for him isn’t growing, then what we’re doing is only for ourselves, and we won’t be able to walk alone for long before everything we’ve accomplished will come to nothing. 

Today I need to go to my parents and give my dad a haircut, something I’ve been meaning to do for so long. I’m planning to do another recording tomorrow, and I’m excited to do it because then it’s out. I’ve not told anyone yet and I’m not planning to, unless it takes too long for people to find out, then I’ll just tell them to watch the video:) I’m still not planning to do anything about it, about my calling but will wait for the Lords timing.. he knows how to lead me and I’ve learned how he leads me. I’d rather take slower steps and learn all there is to learn from him rather than rush into things because then I may have gone ahead and missed a turn or his preferred way. I’ve come to the river and I’m following the voice I love to listen to -blessings…