
Psalm 104:1-5

Praise the Lord, O my soul. O Lord my God, you are very great; you are clothed with splendor and majesty. He wraps himself with light as with a garment; he stretches out the heavens like a tent and lays the beams of his upper chambers on their waters. He makes the clouds his chariot and rides on the wings of the wind. He makes winds his messengers, flames of fire his servants. He set the earth on its foundations; it can never be moved.”

My Father

My daughter, come home -I love you.

Oh Dad, I don’t know what to say because I long so much to be home.

My daughter, you’ve come home; you’re here -you’ve arrived. 

Okay, help me to understand what this means. I believe it means that my heart has come into line with yours and that there’s nothing else that separates us from enjoying the fullness of this level’s intimacy with you… In this way we’re building our home together, level by level until I see you face to face in heaven. Here I will see physically what this home that we’ve built together looks like. 

Caroline, there’s more -I have something more for you today.

Oh Dad, please show me. 

Come, follow Me and I will show you, for you are loved and desired beyond measure..

Father, I love and desire beyond measure..

I know. Come, lets walk forward together. You are Mine, My beautiful bride.


Last night I woke up, thinking about the dream the Lord had given me. When I looked at the time it was 5:00, and this is what I dreamt: My friend and I were walking up the stairs in a high-rise. I saw the concrete as we climbed. As we were climbing there were others around us, including a gang who were convincing people that they were trustworthy, but secretly they were going around killing people. I saw that they were carrying guns as we cautiously walked passed them and up the stairs (I saw one of them hold an innocent person on the floor with a gun and had either killed or was threatening that person.). As my friend and I were standing on a balcony, I saw a bad guy quickly run into the balcony beside ours, but I couldn’t see it because there was a wall between the balconies. Then I saw that the bad guy had pushed and threw a person over the balcony; I saw the person fall down onto the ground. But when the person would have lain on the ground dead, I saw a white light shine around the person and then the person disappeared, and I only saw the concrete where he would have been. Then as soon as that had happened, I saw another white light round someone’s body on the ground but instead of the person being dead, he had come alive and was being brought up to where I was standing (I saw him being brought up over the balcony and vaguely saw him standing with me.) And this person was my friend who I had walked up the stairs with! We were so full of joy! Then I told him that I had seen this happening before. 

In an earlier dream this night I had been holding a newborn baby in my arms, and I had a vague picture of being with my husband as I was holding our baby. Then in another dream I saw through the window a toddler walking around. Then I was holding the toddler in my arms and had nearly dropped him, but then I saw that my hand was supporting his head. I was lovingly holding him in my arms, and we were looking at each other with love. I was aware that there were a few other people in the room who had noticed. Then the toddler wanted to go outside and meet someone who I knew was his dad:) 

I was in a really nice big house. I was looking around and saw a small room I hadn’t noticed before. As I was looking into the room a thought came to me that this house was now mine and I began to internally claim it as my own, giving me an ownership perspective. I saw that it was the laundry room and saw that it only had a washer and not a dryer. Then I noticed a stairway leading to the basement, which was a bit dark. I also noticed that the floor wasn’t one solid floor but had many places where someone could fall very far down. The only solid floor area was where the washer was, but to get to it from the doorway there wasn’t a floor. Then I noticed that I could close the open part of the floor with a door hatch that I could bring over the opening, and thought I’d do that. I was taking care of two girls and my Jesus, my new husband had just come into our home. Because he was my new husband, he was taking it slow as I got used to having him so close to me. Then the scene changed where I saw an object fall way down into a really deep area in the laundry room, and it was like one of the girls had fallen, but one of the levels of flooring had caught her. Then I had rescued her and was hanging onto the floor of the doorway with my right hand and holding her in my left arm, but I couldn’t pull us up, so for a moment I thought, okay, I need my husbands help. I tried to do it on my own but I couldn’t, so I desperately called his name for help. I didn’t see it in my dream but I knew he had come to help us and pulled us up from danger. When I saw the stairs leading to the basement earlier, I wanted to go down and explore because I hadn’t been there before, but I also knew that I wanted my husband to come with me. As I got used to him, I noticed how kind he is. In a small part of my dream we were walking, holding hands with our fingers interlocked. Another part was that it was close to supper time and he had gone ahead and ordered take-out, and I thought that that was very thoughtful. Then another time our paths had crossed and he looked at me kindly and asked, “how are you doing so far?” meaning, how was I doing in terms of getting used to him, and I smiled and said “good.” I saw how sunny and warm our home was, and I felt loved. Then I was walking in a hallway, going towards an area where the girls and a few other people were, and I saw through a long window on my right an indoor pool, and then I saw another indoor pool close to the first one. Both pools were really good sized pools. I saw the light blue water in them, and they looked so inviting. Then I was with everyone else and Jesus was close to me in a pool; I saw that I was exposed. At first I wished I was covered but then I was okay with it as I submerged myself into the water. In the pool I had at first tried to dip my head in first, but that didn’t work (the water was hard); I’m thinking this represents that in order to know love, just knowing about it in our mind is just information. In order to actually know love and be able to submerge in it, we need to know it in our heart, and me being okay with being vulnerable shows that I trust and therefor can and do know love.. During this whole dream I was getting used to a closer Jesus, and as we did life together and problem solved together, it felt like we were a team. I became more comfortable with him -he felt like he was my husband -my family. The lyrics I had in my heart when I awoke were, “how can I.. how can I.. how can I thank-you enough… I find myself crying right now because of the kindness of love I see in Jesus being so patient with me over the years. I’m so deeply thankful…. 

What matters most is what resides in our heart, and in order to find that out, we need to walk the pace of the Holy Spirit as he leads us into wholeness and intimacy, because these are sure steps that lead to a solid foundation.. 

Last night my kids and I watched the second Princess Switch, and I love how in the end the couple got married at the airport! As always, I’m trying to discern whether I’ve completed my recordings and that I’m free from this assignment, which is what I’m sensing but will know as we keep walking:) When I hear of people’s stories, how God has put a fire, a deep love in their heart for something in their life down the road, I get so emotional about it and can’t help but to hear it over and over again. I’m so amazed how God begins our journey this way. I had the same thing happen to me years ago and I wanted to fly to the ends of the earth in order to meet and know this calling in my life. The first time the Lord put a deep love in my heart for something in the future, it was in a dream that I was sitting beside someone that I couldn’t see clearly. And even though I didn’t know this person, I had such a deep love for them. As time went on, it was like God touched my heart in different moments, and when he did this, it was like my heart burned with the deepest passion one could ever experience. This person represents my calling, and that just like I needed to pursue love with this person in my dream who I didn’t know, I needed to pursue love for Jesus and his calling in my life. When God calls us to love, he means for us to love with passion, and love grows to become passionate when we don’t stop pursuing him and the journey he leads us on, which is our calling. This passionate love is the kind of love he pursues us with too; he wants to lead every person into their calling and grow intimacy with them. This is our purpose, so let’s not waste our small moment of time here on the earth by following our own ideas. God and his thoughts are so much greater than ours; we are merely his creation -I think our Creator knows so much better than we do, how to live our life. One of my favourite Bible verses is: “Isaiah 48:17, “This is what the Lord says – your Redeemer, the Holy One of Israel; I am the Lord your God, who teaches you what is best for you, who directs you in the way you should go.”  

Anyway, I’m planning on making something healthy for supper -a vegetable stew that has sausages, onions, cabbage, carrots, celery and other herbs in it, and also baking banana muffins with chocolate chips. I’ll try and post a photo later. I love Jesus so much and the calling he’s given me, and I’m so deeply thankful that he’s been so patient as he’s helped me work through things in my heart. But in working through these things, learning to hear his voice and discern his leading, I’ve gotten to know him better and therefore my love for him has grown very much. Knowing who he is, is knowing his character, which has been shown over and over again in our journey together.. Love and blessings to you today… ❤️‍🔥🙏