To Value is to Love

My Dad. You are the one who I depend on, for everything. Thank you Holy Spirit for being my inner source of strength. I am yours and I am loved. I love your voice -please come and speak your truth into my heart.

My daughter, I am faithful. I will uphold you with my righteous right hand. Do not be discouraged -I am near. 

My Dad. Whenever I’ve come to this low place, you always remind me to love others. When I hear this, it reminds me about how you value each one of us, which also helps me to love. Having this perspective helps me to look beyond myself.

My faithful daughter, come into the throne room with me -here you will find rest. (this reminds me to soak)

My Dad, theres nothing that can take you away from me -in this I’m sure, and I rest secure in you. 

Come Caroline, I’m bringing you up higher, for I am well pleased with you. 

I pray Father that you’ll open the doors for me to walk through. My hope is in you. 

I will surely open them my daughter -I am faithful. 


I had no idea how much more full my days would be when I signed up my kids for baseball and softball.. this week will be busy every evening but next week I think a bit of a break will be required! This week I’m focusing on endurance for myself, making a bit of a mental check-list with doing what the Lord has asked me to do because I’m not feeling well -just have a bad cold and headache. 

The Lord gave me a dream last night which I think gives me a sense of where I’m at in my spiritual walk with him, and I’m encouraged through it. I dreamt that I was falling fast, inside a really deep and wide crevice. I saw the brown walls and high mounds of dirt as I was falling, and I had resigned to hitting the bottom. When I was about to crash, I all of a sudden thought I’d break my fall somehow against one of the mounds and I landed firmly on my feet. Then I had wrapped my arms around one of the mounds as I was being lifted out of the crevice. It lifted me much higher than ground level, right to the top of another really high mound that had a flat surface which I saw that I was climbing on top of, like God had intentionally brought me to that exact place. I thought it was a bit ironic how quickly and drastically things changed, from being at such a low place to such a high place above ground level. I wondered how I was going to get down from there and then I had my arms around that mound and slowly began to slide down. Alright, many blessings!!!