More Like You

My Father. In my heart I come before you in your throne-room. I worship you, my Great Lion of Judah, my Shepherd. Father, what are your thoughts about me? 

Caroline, I know you by name -you are mine, one that I love. 

Dad, I pray that you would make yourself known to me even more as we walk together. Help me to know if what I’m saying is accurate or not. Heighten the sense of your thoughts in my heart. I want to know you more. Please come and speak with me today Holy Spirit. 

I am yours Caroline  and you are mine. Allow me to walk deeper into your heart so that you will know me more. 

My Father, I know that as we walk deeper into my heart, you will expose lies that I’m believing about myself, and when I give these to you, you replace the lies with your truth, revealing more of who you are. In this way you teach me more about yourself, transforming me into your likeness, changing me into becoming more like you. 

This is true my daughter. 

Come Father, I will follow you where you lead. Come and have your way in me. 


I want to begin with saying that my Dad loves me with an everlasting love:) I think that everyday I need to renew my heart and ask the Lord what I’m believing about myself that day. Because we live in a sinful world, non of us are immune to it’s residue, even though we’re not going out there and sinning on purpose. I think that stuff clings to us as we go about doing what we do everyday, so I think that having a spiritual shower everyday is a good habit to have. 

Last night I had a few small dreams; I dreamt that I was standing and there were a few others standing with me. My cousin John who I talked with at my dad’s funeral was standing with us, and I saw him clearly when he said that he was a very good lawyer. The feeling I had about him in my dream was that he held much power and authority, and he was a kind man who was thorough and just. I saw in his eyes, wisdom and patience. 

Then I was going to take a dog for a walk and someone was asking me if I’d be alright. I reassured them that I’d be okay because I was stronger than the dog. I had a vague picture that I’d be walking with the dog into an alley. 

Then in another dream I was walking down a flight of steps; my steps were solid/sure as I was carefully taking one step down at a time. My steps became lighter as I neared the last few steps. I remember taking one last step down and onto the floor, rounding the corner to the right with a little skip. As soon as I stepped onto the floor, I had a sense that I stepped right in front of someone as I swished my long thick hair, feeling youthful. I sensed the admiration of the person who I stepped in front of; I’m thinking this represents having self-confidence. The feeling of where I was at, was a subway station and I had joined the flow of people, like I was joining a line to get onto a train. 

Often in this past year I’d wake up at a certain time in the night and had a song singing in my heart that’s encouraged me to record; “Just be you” by Anthem Lights, Sadie Robertson… “No one can do it just like you, something magic in the way you move, you’re original you know it true. Don’t let anybody take your tune, you ain’t got a single thing to prove..” I had a quick dream or impression one night about that where I was putting on make-up to do a recording, and I felt like there was magic in the make-up. So, often when I’d get ready, I’d imagine putting on the magic, or putting on God’s anointing:) On another note, I need to clean up the lighting set-up downstairs. I’m sensing not to stop my recordings, so I’ll need to record outside or something to have good lighting. Have a wonderful weekend -blessings to you!!!