Just To Be With You

Psalm 34:8

“Taste and see that the Lord is good; blessed is the man who takes refuge in him.”


Come My daughter, I am faithful. You are mine -I love you.

Father, thank-you for all the work you’ve been doing in my heart and for the work that you’re continuing to do as we walk. Please continue to lead me. I’m prepared to do more recordings if this is in your will for me. 

My faithful one, I love you. I will never abandon you so that you don’t know where I am. Trust in me to lead you, for I know the way we need to walk. I am faithful.

I trust you Jesus..

Come then, lets continue walking and I will continue to lead. 

Okay, thank-you Jesus -I love you…


Hey everyone, happy Thursday!! Well, my kids both had a really good first day of school yesterday, and I’m really happy that they have great teachers! My kids and I watched the 3rd Princess Switch movie -so fun! I made banana chocolate chip muffins yesterday:) I’m not going to write too much today.. I awoke last night at 3:40 with the same lyrics, “…just a little closer.. I’d climb every mountain, swim every ocean, just to be with you, and fix what I’ve broken..  Then I woke up at 4:21 which turned to 4:22 a few seconds afterwards with the same beautiful lyrics singing in my heart. I’m thinking that the Lord is leading me to do four more recordings, which would be 38 altogether. If this isn’t climbing a high mountain in order to be close to Jesus, then I don’t know what is!! I want to be as close to Jesus as I can, even if it would take a lifetime to reach the summit, I would do it… Something the Lord showed me a few nights ago just came to mind that I had forgotten about; I saw a high hill on the other side of a small city or town, and I was standing next to my mom who said she wanted to go there and climb the hill. So this could represent that I have a little ways to go. Normally she represents the making of spiritual food, which would mean that I need to be reading more, which I know I need to do. I also hadn’t mentioned a small part of my dream yesterday, about our home that my new husband, Jesus, and I owned. There was a part where I saw my husband and saw that he was a lot shorter and smaller than I expected as I was holding his hand. But I thought to myself that that didn’t matter, what really mattered was his heart, that he was a kind and loving person, and in my dream my heart was comforted about this most important thing. When our character resembles Jesus’ character, this is what’s most important; this is what really matters.. So for now, I’m resting and focusing more on being with the Lord, and when the Lord leads me to begin the four recordings, then that’s when I’ll begin. As usual, much love and blessings to you!!!