My Rock and Firm Foundation

Psalm 40: 1-3

“I waited patiently for the Lord; he turned to me and heard my cry. He lifted me out of the slimy pit, out of the mud and mire; he set my feet on a rock and gave me a firm place to stand. He put a new song in my mouth, a hymn of praise to our God. Many will see and fear and put their trust in the Lord.”

Father, I love you. Thank-you for drawing me nearer still. I have your Peace in my heart -an added measure.

I love you my darling -you are Mine. Come, it’s time. Caroline I have a thought/word for you today; rest. Through it all, be at rest and I will see you through. 

Okay Dad, thank-you. I’m glad you tell me this everyday or I’d probably forget.

My daughter, there’s more; press in.

I’m pressing in Father. Please reveal yourself to me.

I love you; I deeply value you. You are Mine. Now go in peace. 

Thank-you Dad -I feel valued by you..


This morning’s workout was more for working on technique, so what I worked on were strict (banded) pull-ups, and pushups, and I also rowed -one day I’d like to get a rower! Today school was cancelled -love snow days! Every time it’s a snow day it reminds me of the Peanuts movie:) I’m making jam jams today and will probably make cinnamon buns tomorrow. I had a few short dreams last night. In the first one there was a woman laying in the ground, the ground covering her with her head out, and another slightly younger woman laying prostrate on top of her, with her face close to the woman’s face, about 12 inches. If I’d be watching a movie, the side of their faces would fill the frame, so I could see their heart/emotions in their faces, but more the one on the top because my eyes were focused more on her. They were gazing at each other like something was final, like the finality of something was accepted and now they were just waiting. There was peace between them and an openness found in family that love each other, not needing words to communicate this love. Another scene where I was underneath the covers that were on the floor, and Joao opened the door and came into the room. I quickly tried to dig deeper underneath the covers to hide myself but I didn’t have a lot of time so I couldn’t hide myself, and then he was there quickly as he lay down facing me, and my view of him was vague but directly in my line of sight. I’m not sure exactly what he represents, but I’m sensing “husband.”  This next dream is gross to talk about but it represents how difficult my journey has been. I was standing in the bathroom and I could feel that I needed to go, and then with a quick readjustment in my posture the last of the constipation came out quickly, and then I wrapped it up with white tissue paper. I believe that this part of my journey with the Lord is coming to a quick close and the door to the next time frame will be opened right away. Knowing part of what this next time frame will be about, I can say for sure that the Lord always prepares us for the next step so we can actually walk in the next step when it comes, and not freeze. That’s why it’s so important to not want to run ahead, no matter how long we think the Lord is taking. Also, not only does he prepare our heart for what’s next, we grow in intimacy with the Lord during this time of preparation because of time spent together everyday and him revealing things about our heart that we need to give up to him. I think that intimacy with the Lord is so important because this is what sustains us in every situation -Jesus is our firm foundation, our Rock! Changing the subject, I just started John chapter 15 this morning! Many blessings!!!!