Getting Back Up

Caroline come, you are mine declares the Lord.

Father, I’m forcing myself to have this conversation with you. I feel like I’m sitting on the sofa, facing your beautiful mountains with the river of lava that runs through them. Help me to tip myself back so I’m no longer looking at this scene. I really need your help. 

I’m here Caroline, rest. Remember that your peace has been restored.

Thanks Father I do remember. By faith I’ve tipped back the sofa and I’m walking away from it. Please come and fill me Holy Spirit as I resume my walk with you. 

I will restore your heart Caroline. You’ve not been in this place for very long. Come, rest in me as we walk away from this and back onto the path I’ve chosen for you. Rest as we walk Caroline, for you are loved. 


I dreamt that I was wiggling between my parked truck and the front wall of my garage to get to the drivers side of the truck (I made a way where the Lord had not made a way). Then the garage door was opened and the truck began to roll out. I began to run after it but I could hardly run. I saw there was a double lane hwy going both ways that the truck was going towards, and when I got to the hwy I saw that there were cars in the distance but not close by, so there was no accident. Then I saw the truck had been parked on the far side of a parking lot and a thief had gone in and stolen a package with my personal information on it. I was yelling at the person, making a huge scene and someone came and helped me. He got the package back for me and it was so comforting. The Lord heard my cry for help and he took back what the enemy stole from me (my peace) in my mistake. It’s true that when we feel safe, we let our guard down. I hadn’t taken that dream a few nights ago as a warning, and I should have. Going from here the enemy would want to keep me down but it’s too late for that because I’ve already gotten back up! 

Two nights ago the Lord gave me a dream with so many details, and I don’t have time to type it all out but I will say that sometimes in my walk with the Lord, he’s taken Lucas who represents my prayer time, away somewhere to spend quality time with him. One time when the Lord took him away in one of my dreams it indicated that I had a break from writing my conversations with the Lord. So during that time I only prayed in my prayer language. Then about a year or more later God gave me a dream where Lucas had come back in the night from a place like camp where he had been learning from the Lord. So in the morning of my waking life, I knew to resume my written conversational prayer, and the Lord didn’t correct me about resuming so I knew I was following the Lord correctly. Well it’s been like this again; maybe not even a year ago I dreamt that Jesus as my husband and I were driving somewhere to take Lucas to a french school, and in my dream I learned it was a school where he’d stay overnight. Ever since that dream Lucas has mostly not been in my dreams so I’ve sensed that God had taken him again for a deeper learning time. Two nights ago I dreamt that he came back on his huge round space craft like we’d see in star wars. He was landing it right in the middle of the city. He got a bit too close to an antenna from a building and the whole aircraft began tilting out of balance and fell to the ground. As I watched I saw that it was being pushed towards me, levelling all the houses in its way. I ran to the top of a hill and swung my leg over what reminds me of a rooftop to make myself secure and I saw the aircraft had stopped. Then at the end of my dream I was looking for both my kids and I saw Lucas walking with other boys his age. Lucas had blonde hair and looked angelic, like he had been with the Lord, and one of the teenagers with him looked the same, and came and talked with me, joking around a little. Then I had my arm around Lucas, who had much shorter blonde hair, as we were walking and I asked him how it had gone. He was a bit sad, but then brightened up and said it had also been adventurous. Then I learned that Bella had been at home with my husband. I’m not sure what this all means but I know that the Lord must be heightening my sensitivity to hearing his voice. I also think that in “war time,” Bella was mostly okay, and it was Lucas who had to be in battle.