Silver and Gold

Psalm 40:1-3

“I waited patiently for the Lord; he turned to me and heard my cry. He lifted me out of the slimy pit, out of the mud and mire; he set my feet on a rock and gave me a firm place to stand. He put a new song in my mouth, a hymn of praise to our God. Many will see and fear and put their trust in the Lord.” 

Father, I worship you with all my heart. Please come and transform my heart and wake it up even more. Breathe new life in me. I need you so much. Help me come out of the cave; wake me up Lord, please wake me up.

My daughter, you are Mine -I love you with all of who I am, and I will surely awaken you.

Jesus I miss you so much.. I’m reminded of the dream I had where I only saw your face. After you faded from my view and I still felt your deep love for me, I wished I could be with you forever and not be away from you even for one minute.. Draw me nearer to your heart Father and awaken every part of my heart. Help me follow you.

Come my faithful one, I love you. I will do the very thing you’ve asked. All is well with you.


Happy Tuesday!! I feel like I have so much to say but I don’t know where to begin! First of all I’m looking forward to going to camp this weekend with my kids! I know I’m going to go on the zip line, and I’m mustering up my courage to go on the Leap of faith; I’ve not seen how high the pole is. Maybe I’ll just close my eyes all the way up and keep my eyes closed as I try and stand up on the top.. but I’m bringing along my mug!! I had a chocolate chip cookie at church on Sunday and it was really good:) Yesterday I planned to write in the evening but I forgot that we needed to bring a truck rental back, so as I was getting ready to go my heart was yelling at me, longing to sit and write and connect. I’ve discovered that as I write and pour out my heart is when my spiritual constipation is released.

Today I was listening to Ana Werner and she said something about that in heaven there isn’t any pride, so we might as well get it done here and let go of it and become undignified; this is something I know I need to work on. Sometimes God gives me dreams where he reminds me of this, like last night I dreamt about going poo. God knows I need to share my dreams here, so I need to think of the best way to describe them in the least embarrassing way. So in this dream I was in a room that had several small toddler potties on the floor with a lady sitting nearby; I believe this lady represents the Holy Spirit. I walked to get a paper bag like the ones they give for fast-food. I got it and put it into the bowl underneath and pooped into the bag; I didn’t see this part in my dream but I knew afterward that I had done this. Then after that I had driven to the lady’s place (the Holy Spirit). There was a driveway where people could drive to drop off their garbage like where we’d go to drop off our compost and grass clippings. I saw the driveway part had gotten really narrow, and I had a feeling that this way of bringing away my garbage/spiritual constipation was almost done. I saw vaguely that other people were also bringing away their garbage there, which could represent business, like this is what I do everyday. Then I saw the lady walking there, helping people. I had the small paper bag from before, in my hand. I was going to drop it off but I changed my mind and thought I’d go and get the bigger garbage bag that I had at home and drop off both bags at the same time. It was nice and sunny outside and she had a smile on her face -I saw she was really kind, and she said okay. I believe this dream represents the short writing I would have done yesterday; yesterday when I saw that I wouldn’t have time to write, I thought I’d just include the short “words” I had received in my short nap and put it into today’s post. What I heard yesterday just before waking up from a short nap was, “It’s in heaven where they have silver and gold.” The Bible talks about storing our treasures in heaven rather than trying to accumulate wealth here on the earth, and I’m hoping the Lord is showing me the intentions of my heart that I’m storing my treasures in heaven because this is the right perspective to have.

There’s a song by Brandon Lake: House of Miracles called Just Like Heaven. The lyrics in this song make me bawl every time I hear them, and they are, “Come a little closer, stay a little longer, I can’t get enough of you.. I just want more of you Lord. Holy, you are Holy: You’re such a perfect Father, I worship you forever. I lay down any treasure for us to be together… This song was playing in my heart when I awoke yesterday. Changing the subject, something Ana Werner said is that we need to value what God wants to do through us, making this our focus rather than being insecure about ourselves, because it’s all about God. God loves us and values us completely but it’s all about him. Something about this resonates deeply in my heart.

Yesterday I downloaded and began my “Take the Stage”course that my mentor had written. I know this is from the Lord because I can feel myself being filled as I listen and as I fill in the blanks in the workbook -I’m so excited about it! Changing the subject again, I never really believed that the battle belongs to the Lord.. I didn’t believe it because then it would mean that we didn’t need to do anything. What makes sense to me now is that as we follow the Lord and do what he asks us to do (this is our part), he takes care of what’s happening in the spiritual realm, and in this way he’s fighting our battles. Tomorrow is my Otolaryngology appointment at 2:30 -hoping they won’t see any spots in my nose. I haven’t felt anything there for awhile so I’m hoping and praying.. My ankle has gone back to normal, yay, though sometimes I feel it slightly but I think it’s just healing. I ran 5k this morning, yay and woohoo!! On the day my kids and I went swimming I needed to buy a new Master Pro lock, so this is what I use when I go running:) I’ve gotten into the habit of sometimes buying a cappuccino about twice a week if I go to the city, but I’m going to only have it once a week because I’m craving it so much!!! The more coffee I drink, the more I’ll get addicted to the caffeine, so if I only have it once a week it’ll help with that. Also, every time I think about how the enemy wants to destroy what God is doing in my life, I’m just going to stand up and say, “not today Satan!” It reminds me of when people want to tear down others with their words; it’s hard to pray for our enemies, but I agree that when we do, it’s a way to love them with Christ’s love which deflects the arrows of the enemy. Many blessings…☕️