Facing The Giants

My Dad. I’m really feeling parented by you today. I’m strongly sensing that you want me to not only see myself as a pastor, but also to begin doing my recordings like I would if I’d be on stage. 

My daughter, you can do this. Trust in Me.

Dad, if my roots have been growing deeply in you, then I know that I can do this because of the nourishment you give me. Help me fight these giants in the land where you want me to prosper in. In other difficult situations the weapon I picked up most was to love, and I’ve won many battles this way. In this one I’m going to guard my rest in you fiercely, because you’ve already pointed that out to me in the past. I think this is the only way I can do this. 

My faithful daughter, you’re right in what you’ve said. Come and I will lead you. It really is possible for you to climb all the way to the top of this mountain. 

Father, thank you for not giving up but pursuing me instead. I’m sensing a deep love from you through how patient you’ve been with me. I just wish I could already be there.

My daughter, you’ve already grown in the most important way, and that is intimacy with Me. 

Father, I know this is true, so help me walk forward and follow you into this promised land and face the giants. I don’t know how high your expectations are for my next recording, but I’m going to guard my rest in you as we walk. 

My daughter, all is well with you -you are Mine. I love you with an everlasting love, and I’m proud of you.


Sometimes when I think about how I’m going to begin my reflection, both me and my book-end angel rest our chin in the palm of our hand -just something that makes me smile….

The Fair was so busy and I’m so so glad it’s over! It’s satisfying though to see our kids have so much fun. 

On June 10th in my dream I saw two white doves with yellow torso’s on top of a high pole beside the road. I had a sense that they were really happy and excited to be together -one of them did a backwards flip. Then one of them flew to a higher pole nearby and the other one followed. It was neat because that same day, Friday, we went out for supper with some friends and there was a wedding party that walked through the restaurant -the colour was white and yellow. Also, at the Fair later I saw someone with a type of parrot, and it was white with a bit of yellow! I love the way God touches my heart with little things like that:) 

Last night I woke up at 4:44 and I had seen a big red square. I had five other dreams: I was at the beach in the water with my daughter Bella. I was holding her in my arms because we were in deep. There were a few others around us. Then I looked towards the shore and saw that we were deeper in than I thought because of how far away the shore was. The water was about chest high and I immediately began to walk towards the shore. 

I was reading a paragraph that I know was from the Lord. I was almost done reading it; I had a feeling like they were instructions, but I don’t remember what I had read. I was reading one of the last sentences which told me to be careful how I interpreted what was written or what I was being shown. So in my dream I thought okay, I’ll be really careful -I’ll take more care of how I interpret what the Lord is telling me. 

Then Bella and I were driving on the road, leading out of what felt like Steinbach, except we were walking. I saw in front of me that there was a lot of snow on the road that completely covered the tires; the level of snow had reached about halfway up the cars -the level/line was distinct because there was no snow on top of the cars -they were parked (facing us). I noticed how white the snow was and how bright and sunny it was. Bella was walking in the deep snow behind me, and because of the instructions to be careful how I interpret God’s directions to me, she said something like, “Okay, now mom’s going to take a picture.” Then I said, “oh right!” I’m thinking that I need to be praying more about what the Lord shows me. Because of everything that’s on my plate everyday, I don’t pursue the Lord enough in this area. I’m sure I miss many things the Lord wants me to know. 

Then in another dream I saw on a screen a place where my husband and I got married, at JPUSA Chicago. I saw many people from many other countries walking in a hallway. Then I heard a lady that had blonde hair, pray and speak with much anointing like she was speaking on stage at a church. So I looked up at the screen and saw that she was sitting with the people in the seats and there was someone who was standing close to her, holding a microphone which she was talking into, sharing her heart with a lot of emotion. 

Another dream where I was inside a store, looking at a short,pink skirt to buy. I had a knowing that it was size 8, and the waist was really wide. I was doubting that it would fit me because of how wide it was so I chose a smaller size. I thought that because it was so short, I’d need to wear pants underneath. As I was thinking all this, I heard a man near me ask if I’d go out with him. Thinking we were alone I assumed he was talking with me, so without looking I said no, and gave him my reason. Then I looked and there was someone with him that he was talking to. I had a feeling like they were thinking that, why would I think he’d want to go out with me? I felt like I was lower, and then I left the clothing area and walked towards the cashiers. I chose a line and waited for a bit and then just as I was going to pay, I thought to quickly check the size by putting it up to my waist (because I couldn’t actually try it on). I found that it was too small, so my thought before I awoke was to go back and get the size 8 that I had put down. I need to pray about this for more clarity, but I’m thinking that maybe the Lord is leading me into something bigger than I think I can walk in? I’m thinking this because we need to clothe ourselves with the Lord and be more like him. There’s so much that I don’t know about my walk with the Lord, and I really just need to take one step at a time and try not to want to understand everything -or else I’d go crazy! Faith-building steps:) I’m hoping I will still have the lights to do another recording this week.. Blessings..