Let My Light Shine

Proverbs 9:9-11

“Instruct a wise man and he will be wiser still; teach a righteous man and he will add to his learning. The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom, and knowledge of the Holy One is understanding. For through me your days will be many, and years will be added to your life.”

Good morning Father. I love you.

I love you My daughter. You are Mine. Come, sit here with me at my table. I have lots of good food here for us to eat. My faithful one, all is well with you. Come closer to me and I will give you rest. 

Oh Dad, I’ve been been learning how to rest in unrestful situations. Knowing that you see me all the time and knowing everything about me helps to put my heart at ease, and I’m able to rest. Thank-you for your love that I’ve only begun to know more deeply. I’m so glad that I have forever to walk deeper into it. I’m just amazed by this, how great you are!

Come my daughter, for I am well pleased with you.

Father, I really need your help to organize what I need to say when I step up to speak soon. I need to have fun, and if I’m not too nervous, I know I’ll have fun.

Caroline, my faithful daughter, I have much more to say to you right now. Be patient. Don’t doubt. Take joy. Love. 

Dad, I always have a mindset to quickly say what I need to say when I’m with others because I think they’re always in a hurry so I need to fill a short time slot quickly in order to say what I need to say. But I very often don’t say everything I’d like to say because of this. I also know that there’s a time to speak and a time to listen, but talking too much has never been something I’ve struggled with -probably the opposite is true for me. I probably talk the most when I’m with you. 

Now it’s your turn to speak my daughter, for I have made room for you. 

Father, I’m in such awe of you! Thank-you, I’m more than honoured..

I delight in you Caroline, now come, let my light shine through you, for you are Mine.

Thank-you Father, I feel like my heart has just received a hug.. 


Good morning! I don’t have a lot to say today:) This morning in my early crossfit class we did Sumo Deadlift (without the band) cluster sets -six sets of three. So the idea for the sets of three is, after you lift and have brought it back down, pause for about ten seconds before lifting it again. Then wait for a min or two before doing your next set of three. My weight was 135lbs. Then in our workout, for time we did: 24 Row Calories; 21 Front squats (65lbs); 15 Medball Cleans (20lbs), 9 Wall Walks. I hadn’t done wall walks for so long but I managed to do one that was almost to the wall! So it was more like practice -I’ve never enjoyed wall-walks though (not this week..)

I’m thinking right now, because we as the church are the bride of Christ and our time here on earth is meant to get ready for him by becoming like him (to have more things in common like an earthly about-to-be-married couple), wouldn’t it be nice to know when our wedding day would be? I wonder about this and I would actually really like to know!! I think if we knew when this day would be, wouldn’t it spur us on to become as close to him as we possibly could in relationship so that on our wedding day we would be so much more rich in love? I don’t know how I could possibly be more in love with him than I already am at this moment.. but because God is so big, we’ve only begun to know the depth of his love. I’m so much in awe that Jesus would make room for me… I keep thinking that there are so many sermons that people have spoken, how can there be another one that people haven’t already heard? Anyway, this is a silly thing I sometimes think about:) Blessings!!