A Harvest of Righteousness

James 3:17,18

“But the wisdom that comes from heaven is first of all pure; then peace loving, considerate, submissive, full of mercy and good fruit, impartial and sincere. Peacemakers who sow in peace raise a harvest of righteousness.” 

My Father, I love you. Thank-you for your ways with me. Thank-you for always leading me further along this journey. 

I love you my darling. You are Mine. Caroline, I have something for you today. 

Oh Dad, please tell me.

A gift.

Father, all your gifts are good, and your gift is exactly what I need. What is it Lord?

Take ahold of my hand my daughter; we will walk this road together, you and I. 

Yes Father, thank-you for the comfort you bring. I’m holding tightly onto you.


Happy Thursday!! I really don’t have a lot to say today. I dreamt two nights ago that I had driven onto a parking lot that had a few vehicles parked, and I was looking for a place to park. The parking lot seemed to have a lot of snow on it, but it didn’t affect the ease or difficulty of parking. As I was driving slowly, looking to my left for a place to park, I saw a van full of people, and as I was driving, I was driving closer to them but I woke up before I pulled up into a parking spot. I saw a few house type structures close to the parking lot. I’m not sure exactly but I believe this part of our journey is nearly complete. Changing the subject, we don’t have a lot of Christmas traditions, but we normally open gifts on Christmas morning. I also wanted to say that when we were watching the Christmas movie Wednesday night, I could really feel the Holy Spirit and I couldn’t understand why I would feel him while watching a movie. It was during the part where one of the main characters had lost hope and wasn’t believing for something, so I’m thinking that I need to believe more deeply about something in my walk with Jesus as my husband. I have no doubt about our walk and I love Jesus so much, but in a recent dream I couldn’t feel the power in the rock that I was holding. Also two days ago when I was taking communion, I was so deeply moved and I could hardly stop crying as I was breaking bread with Jesus and accepting what this meant for me. With taking communion, I’m agreeing with Jesus, what he did for me when he died on the cross and rose again three days later. Agreeing, accepting and believing means that I’m eating his flesh (bread) and drinking his blood (water) and am entering into a blood covenant with him and accepting his will for my life, which is to be a pastor. Maybe this is what I need to be internalizing more because I don’t feel this. Every time I think more deeply about it, it brings tears to my eyes because it seems too big a thing for me to do. When I was in my early twenties, the Lord gave me a dream that seemed like it was really happening: I was on stage outside somewhere in front of a huge crowd of people. I was the one the people had come to see and had just finished speaking or singing, I wasn’t shown what I did, but I had just finished drinking some water and was putting my water bottle down, looking at the crowd who were loudly cheering or something. So I know the Lord is leading me to speak.. he will just need to continue to lead me and get my heart ready, because I don’t know how to get my heart ready for that, other than following where he’s leading me. Something that’s been on my mind is when we talk about our life, the Lord brings healing and freedom in that area, so I just wanted to share that when I was younger, my parents didn’t realize that I had needed glasses because my sight was good, though not 20/20. So now even with wearing glasses, I don’t have 20/20 vision because it can only be corrected with wearing glasses before the age of ten. I’m a bit worried about it because I also have floaters in my eyes; hoping my vision won’t get really bad down the road. Today we’re doing a bit of last minute Christmas shopping and I’m hoping to bake today and tomorrow. Peace, Love and Joy to you!!