
1Peter 3:12

“For the eyes of the Lord are on the righteous and his ears are attentive to their prayer…” 

Father, I love you. Please come and speak with me. Resurrect me fully from my grave. Open my spiritual eyes so I can hear your voice more clearly. Open the eyes of my heart. Help me to have a complete understanding about our walk together and about how to fully embrace your calling on my life. Help me break free Father; I really want this. 

Come my daughter, I will help you. As you follow me you will be set free. Do you understand this? 

Yes Father I do. I’ve been sensing a transition taking place in the last little while that even though I’ve not been asked, I do the things I’m sensing to do because I want to do them and because I want to follow you. 

My daughter come, you are Mine -I love you.

Lord I’m sensing that you (Love) are inviting me into this way of living. Father I’m also sensing a new freedom in this new perspective. I know that I’m accountable to you; I’m so glad to be parented by You, my heavenly Father, my Dad. So Father please equip me to sense more clearly what you’re saying and be able to be led to go left or right or continue to go straight without hesitation. I want to be that tool that you can quickly pick up when you need, however you need -I trust you Lord.

Come my daughter, you’re becoming this tool for me; many will see and put their trust in me.

I love you Lord. Thank-you for your patience with me; through it I see your love..


“I love you Lord, oh your mercy never fails me. All my days, I’ve been held in your hand. From the moment that I wake up, until I lay my head, I will sing, of the goodness of God. All my life you have been faithful. All my life you have been so, so good. With every breath that I am able; I will sing of the goodness of God.” 

Hello everyone, my apologies for not posting yesterday.. After my devotional in the morning with Bella I needed to bake something; Someone was coming over to work on our truck and my husband likes to have something baked to share. Then I brought Bella to her friends place and I went to Jeannette’s place for another painting lesson for 1:00 and stayed until a bit after 5. This painting (above) is my first official painting and I’m so excited about it!! I goofed up on the closer shadow, oh well. I need to do six more paintings over the summer before getting another lesson with her in the Fall, just to get more practice in. Then I did a bit of grocery shopping before picking up Bella, then I made nachos for supper and watched the latest Peter Pan movie. My plan was to watch for a bit and then do my devotions but I ended up watching the whole thing. So by the time I tucked Bella into bed I didn’t have a lot of time for writing so I only did my devotions -such a busy day! 

Last night the Lord gave me a few dreams: I woke up around 1:00AM and had dreamt that someone had talked with me about not leaving the building and I told him that I wouldn’t. Then there were two people who convinced me to leave the building, and I had a quick image of them being sneaky. Then I had led them into the entrance to sneak out the door, but before I opened the door I peaked through the blinds that were closed to see if that person who I told that I wouldn’t leave the building was watching, and I saw that he was; I saw him sitting in the drivers seat of his car that was close to the door, keeping his eyes on the door to see if I was going to go out. Then in my dream I had a mental picture of seeing another person keeping watch, so because they were watching, I made a decision not to leave the building and felt this was right. So I turned around and walked back into the main area of the house. I’m not exactly sure but I’m sensing that this building represents what the Lord is building in me right now; building confidence as I begin working on my next message. The enemy wants to be sneaky and persuade me not to do it but when I think deeply about it, I want to talk about what the Lord has done in my heart and in my life -I just need to change my perspective and remember God’s love. When I remember Gods love it really does bring me to tears, and then I have a sense of hope and trust which helps me to see that I can do what he’s asking me to do. Another short dream; I was walking around outside in daylight and I had lost one of my shoes -I think they were black dress shoes. As I was looking around I took a few steps and stepped into a muddy puddle of water or two. 

In this next dream I was in a bedroom that had a made bed. Then I saw a really really big, skinny cougar type cat that was one type of cat in the front and the rest of its body was another type of cat. I’ve read that when people have the gift of seeing in the spirit, they sometimes see evil spirits this way where the form is made up of a few different types of animals. I saw it quickly hide underneath the bed. Then I vaguely saw DT from church, she was with another person standing on my left side. She had been holding a big shining red diamond in her hands and it suddenly fell out of her hands. The diamond had a black casing around it that looked like black wires, which is how the red glow of the diamond could shine through. I vaguely saw it falling and then saw that it fell close to the bed. She didn’t try and get it but remained standing where she was and said sadly that it was real or that it had been real. I think the diamond represents having a commitment, and red means either passion or something really evil or negative situations. It reminds me of the dream not that long ago where I was holding onto something I had picked up that was laying on the ground underneath some water. As I was holding onto it, it became really evil so I had to drop it. Going back to the dream, after DT said sadly that it had been real, she and her friend walked out of the room; it felt like we were in a room in our church and they were walking into the main area of the church like they were going to a church service. Then after they left I quickly tried to pick it up but as I was bending down to get it, the scary creature began growling or something at me, so I quickly got up. For me, the commitment and dedication are real as well as the hardships.

Then I had a quick dream where Bella was laying on her back and I was feeling her tummy; in my dream all her intestines where on her left side, so I was feeling with both of my hands on her left side. I could feel that she was really constipated; I could feel the hardness from the bottom of her left side leading up all the way up into her chest. In waking life she’s had tummy aches because of constipation. A week or two ago we watched Captain America again, which is one of my favourites. I went shopping yesterday and bought Captain Crunch:) I hadn’t bought that in a long time! This week I’m going to try and focus on putting my message together.. Lucas had a really great time at camp this weekend. I’m determined to be brave and try the swing or one of the other things! This is our time! I had a Mango ice-tea today at church, and because we were going to wait a few hours for Lucas, I went back and got a cappuccino with vanilla flavouring and a pastry with cheese and onions. What stood out to me today at church is what I’ve been sensing the last few weeks; I need to want to walk in my calling so that the things I sense him leading me to do, I do them because I want to do them and because I enjoy doing them. ❤️‍🔥