Draw Near and Trust…

“He himself bore our sins in his body on the tree, so that we might die to sins and live for righteousness; by his wounds you have been healed.” -1Peter 2:24


Papa, thank-You that You are near to me. Thank-You for Your love. I praise and worship You Lord. You are mine forever.

Yes I am My darling, My bride. Come, be at rest, you are Mine.

Papa, do You have another word for me today?

Draw near, My faithful one. Draw near and trust.

Okay Papa, I will draw near and trust. I bring everything, all my hopes and dreams to the table and I give You my all Jesus.. because I belong to You and You belong to me…

I love you My daughter; all is well with you.


Hello and welcome to my Journal. Life in the valley can be very difficult, but we need to remember that God is always faithful. Right now I’m in a valley, being tested and pruned so that in God’s time I’ll be ready to walk out of this valley, Victorious!  What I’ve been doing so I don’t stay in a place of despair is spending time with God and crying out to Him because I know He hears me and He loves me. I’m keeping on doing what He’s already asked me to do. I’m clinging onto hope because God is my firm foundation. God is faithful and I know that He will never let me down, and I’m going to stay faithful to Him. He has shown me His faithfulness more times than I can count, and I know His love through that. God gives me dreams and wakes me up at certain times. As you read my journal my hope is that even though I’m in a valley in my life, I hope you will be inspired to always keep your heart open to God no matter what’s going on in your life, because God is a God of Love and He always has a Good plan for our life. He knows how to lead us; we just need to trust Him and follow Him! 

1:20 “I’m gonna get through this, through this, I gonna get through this, so help me God..” 

5:04  “Im gonna see you again. Darling it won’t be long, till every trace of trouble is gone.” (We’ll be together and I’m not sure what that means but I know it will be better than we ever dreamed, when I see you again. …when we meet once more, and I’ll say something like, I always knew you could be like this, I saw flashes and glimpses before. But it seemed like a distant dream and now you’re walking through the door, when I see you again, on the gold streets, standing next to me I know, I’m gonna see you again…)

6:00 Come

Papa, I don’t know if I can take another risk, yet I’m so desperate for you…

6:01 You can do this…

6:04 Papa, if I would get another chance, I would take a risk again…

6:05 Come

6:15 Come My darling, you are Mine.

6:17 I’m coming Papa. Please help me understand in the moment and then be able to come. 

6:18 I will help you come, declares the Lord. 

6:26 When I see you again… when I see you again…

6:38 Come

I’m coming Papa…

6:53 Come My darling, it’s time. 

Papa, I’m coming. I will ask…

6:55 Please help me Papa, I’m so desperate for You!!!

6:56 I will help you Caroline

6:59 When I see you again…

7:06 “What you could do with me..” I dreamt that my Lu Lu Lemon rain jacket was dirty and it was laying among the garbage like in a dumpster. Then I still saw value in it and began picking it up to wash it so I could wear it again. (I know this represents how I felt, not making it)

7:19 I woke up; I could feel myself waking up. I’m hoping this represents spiritually waking up..

7:24 I vaguely dreamt my neighbour from across the street came over and stood on our driveway and said that our dog could play with their dog, Mile. I heard “Mile.”

7:41 Something about the store, Giant Tiger; buying a giant tiger and that I could earn it (to own it).

7:44 From the ashes, I will rise up, rise up. You made all things new…

Around 12:30 midnight I sensed strongly the last name that reminds me of when we first bought the house. The house we live in now had been freshly renovated.

I just want to write a little of what I read today about the bride of Christ: 

In marriage, the husband gives himself to his bride, and everything he has becomes hers. The same transaction occurs from the bride’s standpoint – all that she is and all that she has becomes his. Now, where our relationship with God is concerned, we give Christ our all because He gave us His all. We definitely get the better end of the deal. And He is waiting for His body -and for you, as an individual – to make that 100 percent commitment. God’s love for you is immeasurable – it’s beyond comprehension -and He just wants you to love Him in return “with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength” (Mark 12:30; see also Mathew 22:37; Luke 10:27). 

There have been times in our lives when we have sinned and not loved God, whether by having a bad attitude, harbouring unforgiveness, telling lies, or something else. God is looking for a bride without spot of wrinkle. And what is happening in this day and age is that He is getting ready for this great union between His Son and the bride of Christ by preparing the bride. (God has been preparing me/us in such an amazing way, and in God’s time I’m going to tell the world about it!!!!) 

Whenever a bride is about to get married, she is traditionally showered with gifts, both at her bridal shower(s) and at the wedding. Similarly, Father God desires to shower us with unimaginable gifts as we prepare for this beautiful time of being the bride of Christ. 

In Bible days, it wasn’t uncommon for a man and a woman to meet only once before their wedding day. Their union (onion? in a dream) was a type of business arrangement between the bride’s father and the groom’s father, and it was the father of the groom who decided on the date of the ceremony. The happy couple wouldn’t see each other again until the day they were to be married. When the dad told the groom, “Today’s the day you’re getting married; let’s go get her,” it was “go” time. That’s why it was necessary to be prepared. The bride had to have her wedding dress by her bed, so that no matter what time her groom showed up, she would be ready. And that is how they did it back then. It’s a type and shadow of the fact that no matter where we are or what we are doing, we need to be ready for Christ’s return. For when the Father tells the Son, “It’s time to get Your bride,” we must be prepared for Him to come get us. In return, all He asks for is our heart -all of it. He’s looking for those who are completely committed to Him.” Freedom Beyond Comprehension -Joan Hunter 

Tonight Bella and I will be watching a movie, The Marvels. I think my dream about seeing a woman wearing a white dress represents that I’m healed, that I have a pure/clean heart and also that I’m finally Jesus’ bride!!! I’m healed!!! Love and Blessings… ❤️‍🔥

June 28:

2:22” Leave behind, so much left to say. We’ll have time, cause tomorrow there’s another day.”

2:38 Leave behind, so much left to say. We’ll have time, cause tomorrow there’s another day.”

“I always knew you could be like this I saw flashes of this before.. It always felt like a distant dream and now you’re walking through the door…”

8:22 I had a short dream where I sensed a couple standing in an embrace in front of a house, and then I saw his arm reaching towards the silver door handle to open it and go inside…

8:24 I saw/sensed a number

8:41 In my dream I was in my car with the door wide open (it was so wide open that I couldn’t even see it as I was looking outside). I heard my cell phone ring, so I took it out of a pocket to answer it (reminds me of the inside pocket of my duffle bag that I use for the gym). Then I was talking with my husband on the phone when I saw an almost accident that happened right in front of me. One car was backing up and there was another car behind it that quickly got out of the way so it wouldn’t hit him. The car got away in time but it scraped by, on a really high curb (that was as high as the roof of the car), so the side of the car was all scraped up. Then the other car went forward and hit the curb a bit, which caused one side of the bumper to fall off. Then both cars stopped and the drivers were about to get out of their cars to talk with one another. As this was going on, right at the end I was afraid that the cars were going to hit me so I told my husband to hang on a moment as I was going to close my door so I wouldn’t get hurt. Giving myself grace is something I will try and remember. Looking through the eyes of grace for everyone I see will also help me to have grace for myself. Today at Shopgym I lifted 80lbs 5 times, same as last week.

2:05 This afternoon as I was pressing into the Lord, I fell asleep momentarily and saw in a dream a white cake with smooth white icing on top, and someone cutting a slice for me!!! The worship song that was playing was “Every Breath” by Hillsong Worship. I had begun to be discouraged, thinking that my dream was showing me that I wasn’t going to make it again, then why even try? But I will never give up; every time I try and fail only makes me stronger and helps me to learn more about the Lord. It deepens the roots of my tree -Deep roots that are being grown is a deep friendship being built. It’s time people!!!!!!!

June 29: 12:31 You make all things new…

12:56 Tired feet
I may have tired feet but I feel that I’m so close that I want to run after Jesus even faster than I have before… I feel more loved by Jesus, especially the last little while, and I have a deeper sense of love for him… Yes I have tired feet but please Jesus, don’t give up on me… I’m coming closer and I’m feeling that there’s going to be a breakthrough really soon… I’m getting used to my heart shattering to pieces, and I’m sensing it’s making me stronger and I’m able to get up quicker. I see you, and I believe in you Jesus, so much more than I have before…❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥