Serving Alongside You!

Come my daughter, all is well with you -you are Mine. 

I completely trust you Jesus with everything you say in my heart and with everything you do in my life. How you work in my heart is so amazing, and how you lead me step by step; I’m in awe of you. I worship you my God -fill my with your joy!

I love you my darling.

Father, I seek you and your will so earnestly in this next step with you. Help me put all my thoughts and pages of writing into something I can talk about in my next recording. I sensed that last weeks recording was my second last one, but I’m open to your leading and take pleasure with how you lead me. My heart is rejoicing, like how I walked through an archway and into a time of celebration in a vision years ago. 

You are in a time of celebration my daughter. You’ve done well and have completed everything I’ve asked of you. Well done my good and faithful servant.

Jesus, I love serving alongside you. Please continue to teach me your ways in our next journey together. I will always walk resolutely and intimately beside you. I desire to please you as we walk together. 

Come my faithful daughter, I am well pleased with you, and I will always help you do what I ask you to do. You are Mine this day and always. 


Two nights ago I had a dream where I saw someone looking directly at me and pointing their finger directly at me, and because I’ve sensed it earlier and have already tried, I’m sensing that the Lord is meaning that I put points in my next recording. I was hoping it would be this Wednesday, but I’m thinking it may be next week..

Last night I had a picture of the numbers, 13:13, and when I looked it up in the book of Matthew, I’m thinking that this is one of the things I need to talk about because this is what my journey with the Lord has been like…. always trying to figure out what the Lord is saying to me through dreams and sermons, always through parables, taking steps forward this way. This would be from my point of view..

In my dream I also saw someone walking and there were untrustworthy men nearby who were planning to kidnap this person. I called out for help, for others to come and defend, so they came right away, and by their presence they scared off the others who wanted to harm. This new group of men were righteous and trustworthy and far stronger -well able to defend! What would this life be like without battles? I think there’s a reason why the Lord has allowed the enemy to stay here on earth, and thats because then we can see how desperately we need Jesus!!