King of my Heart

Psalm 71:3

“Be my rock of refuge, to which I can always go: give the command to save me, for you are my rock and my fortress.” 


My Papa, I love you. You are the King of my heart. You are my Purpose; lead me deeper into You, into Your heart.

Come My daughter and rest, you are Mine.

Papa, I’m filled with hope and I’m feeling like You’re renewing my heart. Thank-you that you’ve begun to lead me into studying again. Thank-you too that its You leading me, and not me. 

I love you Caroline.

Papa, I’m sensing something about you planting me firmly. 

Yes My faithful one, on the Rock.

Papa, You are my firm foundation. Even thought it’s not easy, I know that I will always follow you wherever you lead. My love for you (and my knowing your love) has grown in our journey together, and I can’t say no to you because of that. I think that as you make my heart whole, there will be less resistance and a quicker agreement from deep within my heart. 

This is true My faithful one. Come, lets walk deeper into the plans I have for you. Will you trust me Caroline?

Yes Papa, I will. 

Then come, I’ve made a way where there was none. The path is clear to walk in; I’ve made known my thoughts, now walk in them.

Papa, I’m sensing you’re talking about my next steps with studying. I don’t know for sure about the timing but when the doors opens, I’m so honoured to walk through them. Thank-you Papa with all my heart. 

You’re welcome My daughter. Now go in My Peace. You are Mine. 


Hello everyone, welcome to today’s page in my journal! The Lord wakes me up most nights at certain times after He’s given me a dream, which I sometimes don’t know the meaning of but other times I do, and it’s such a great comfort to my heart. I absolutely love sharing what God is doing in my heart, hoping it’ll inspire you to spend time with God everyday and grow the most fulfilling relationship with Him! 

I had a quick dream about me walking on a path, and I think this could represent a path of studying. I’m sensing theres something like a newness about it, and I’m really excited about it!! I’m feeling so amazed and honoured that God has chosen me for the purpose he’s given me. I’ve sent an email and now I’ll walk through the doors if God opens them for me.. I will keep my eyes open for anything that comes next. Something I’m very thankful for is that as I begin to put my messages together, I don’t need to have “arrived” before I present them. I’ve stopped believing something I’ve been believing for awhile, just sensing that something really sad isn’t actually true, and I’m greatly relieved about that and deeply thankful that Jesus has made it clear to me.. Sometimes I wonder though how others can keep a straight face, probably more difficult than I can ever imagine. At first I sometimes wondered if there were two of the same people!! 

This morning I lifted 165lbs!! My one rep max for back squat before was 140, so I’m excited about that! But my bench stays the same:( My max today was 95lbs, but someone needed to slightly help me. Bench is something I can do at home. Changing the subject, ever since I had the dream about the high waves, I’ve noticed things about waving to others or actually seeing high waves in video clips. After seeing a video about two strong waves in the ocean that crashed into each other, reminding me of a high five, I’ve seen twice now in various videos, two guys doing the same thing; they jump up into the air and give each other a high-five with their chest bumping into each other. I’m so amazed how the Lord causes me to see things in different ways that relate to what he’s shown me in my dreams. My kiddos and I brought the trailer full of branches away today and offloaded it; I don’t know how to back up with the trailer, so I made sure to go around the loop so I didn’t need to and it all worked out! Today I’m making mashed potatoes and sausages by Bella’s request. We watched Nanny Mcphee -Big Bang yesterday, and also the 2nd Mary Poppins. Today my kids put on the first Nanny Mcphee; I love how at the end the movie, the book Evangeline’s reading is actually her life’s story:) And I love how she gets transformed on her wedding day and how she genuinely loves his children and how they genuinely love each-other…. I’m going to Costco with my kiddos now before posting.. I didn’t go to crossfit this morning because I would only have had three hours of sleep. I’ll test my one rep max for deadlift hopefully on Monday. Many blessings!!! ☕️