From This Day Forward, Say And Act

Psalm 125:1

“Those who trust in the Lord are like Mount Zion, which cannot be shaken but endures forever.”

My Father. You are a Good Father. Thank-you for your love and for the way you lead me. You’re bringing me out of the grave and giving me new life. Breathe in me your life giving breath. I love you Lord. Please anoint my heart, my hands and my feet to not only know your well for me but to also do it. Transform my heart Father -I only want to see you and not me.

I love you my daughter. I am near to you.

Father, I’m ready to say and do like you’ve instructed. My flesh is weak and pulls me back. Help me to surge forward Father and not deny you, my King.

I will help you my dear one. 

Father, I saw you as the Lion in my heart when you spoke this.

Caroline come, be faithful as I am faithful.

Yes Father, I’m going to be. Help me when I begin to slow down again. I love you -you have my whole heart.


Hello everyone… I’d like to say first of all that I had a new flavour of bubly yesterday at my friends place which has become my favourite! It’s Coconut Pineapple and is super tasty!! I’m really excited because the Lord is moving in my life. Early this morning at 4:41 I awoke because I heard these words from the Lord in my heart, “From this day forward.” I thought to myself that that sounds like the beginning of a sentence, so I was hoping in my heart that the Lord would continue it this night, which he did! When I awoke with my alarm at 6:30 and again at 6:40, these words were in my heart, “say and act.” So putting it together the Lord said to me, “From this day forward, say and act.” It’s no mystery about what he means by this; from today on I need to be focusing on putting my message together for my next presentation and then I need to get ready again for the next one and so fourth. I’m so honoured and will walk with him forever.. The God who created the whole universe and who raised Jesus from the dead wants ME to speak! I’ve known this for quite some time but I’ve needed to work through some of the beliefs in my heart about my value. 

I had a few dreams last night as well. In this first one I saw a girl/woman laying with her arms by her side in a big pickling jar that was as tall as she was tall. I vaguely had the feeling like it was a Cheese-Whiz jar, but I’m not sure about that. The jar itself was all transparent. Inside the jar were other things that I didn’t see clearly, but she was in the middle of all that, and the jar was rolling away from me. Before I saw her in the jar I also had seen a man in something like that as well but this was very vague. What he had been in was some kind of bag or sack, and it was hanging. I asked him if I could go in it too and he was in agreement and was getting out so I could go in. Then the scene changed where I was living in some kind of community with my family and our shack was up in the tree like a treehouse. It was dark outside (darkness represents some kind of sadness). I was standing on the ground (I’m grounded in God’s word?) and most of the people in our community had already left; we were moving to another place. I think I had a back-pack on me and I wondered if all our things from the shack were already packed. It felt like there were some things in there still but then the dream changed where it was daylight outside we were at our new location. I was high up on something I didn’t see and I was looking down at our new surroundings. I saw there was a big vacant field and beside that not very far off was a residential area -I saw many houses. Then I looked at the field and saw many people there like they were playing soccer, and then I noticed there were dogs there. I began counting them and saw there were about five or six. I thought to myself that we could have brought our dog Coco. In waking life Coco is such a good dog but if I had my choice, I wouldn’t have her inside the house because of all the hair. I don’t know what my dream represents other than I’m going through a transition and a nicer place to live (from being poor at heart to being uplifted). 

Then the scene completely changed where I was standing on one side of a counter and there was a lady standing on the other side. I didn’t see it but I had a knowing that she had a dessert made of white vanilla marshmallows that were just underneath the counter, close to the top of the counter. I reached over the counter with my right arm and reached behind the counter and took one of her big white fluffy marshmallows. I had a picture in my mind that her dessert was something that had marshmallows stacked up in rows, reaching high up to the countertop. My marshmallow (also the bigger size) was sitting on the counter and it had been dipped in chocolate, and I asked her if she would like that one to replace the one I took, and she said no. I think this just shows that I’m enjoying myself. We’re going to Power and Praise later tonight so it could represent that:) So if there’s something chocolate, I’ll choose the other. 

May 22 I woke up just before 5:00 because of a quick flash of a scary face. What I immediately thought of was that God still wants me to go to Shopgym three times a week. I haven’t gone the last few Mondays because of going to bed so late and because of my leg. I’ve been thinking to only go twice a week but I think the Lord is showing me through this that he still wants me to continue with going all three days.

May 21 I had a quick dream where I was looking from across the room and I saw that the school division superintendent was standing by a desk, being held by a group of people. The person was on the phone with someone who needed to rescue her. This dream along with the one where I was in my mentors big house and I saw her come into the hallway where I was because she was looking for me. When I called out to her she turned around and I think we exchanged a few words I’m not sure. I had also had a quick dream on the 21st where someone was helping me put on a brown leather thing over my head. At first I thought it was too small but then I tried again and I think it was going to work. I don’t know what this means. I have so many dreams that it’s difficult for me to keep up. Alright, many blessings to you..