In Good Company

Isaiah 46:4-5, 9-11  Even to your old age and grey hairs I am he, I am he who will sustain you. I have made you and I will carry you; I will sustain you and will rescue you. To whom will you compare my equal? To whom will you liken me that we may be compared? Remember the former things, those of long ago; I am God, and there is no other; I am God, and there is none like me. I make known the end from the beginning, from ancient times, what is still to come. I say: My purpose will stand, and I will do all that I please. From the east I summon the bird of prey; from a far off land, a man to fulfill my purpose. What I have said, that will I bring about; what I have planned, that will I do. 

My Father, I love you. Thank-you for your words of promise.

My daughter, you are mine -all is well with you. I have spoke my daughter.

Father, as you were saying this, I had a sense that you were referencing to what you’ve already shown me and have spoken in my heart about. I need to begin to prepare for those around me and I shouldn’t put it off. 

That’s right my daughter; I will provide a way.

Father, I’m also sensing that I need to trust you concerning them -I need to let go.

My faithful one, it will all be okay. They are in my mighty hands -trust me.

Thank-you Lord. I’m processing this in my heart and I’m putting my trust in you. I charge your angels over them. Thank-you for your reassurance. Father, you’ve shown me that I’m a bit overwhelmed, but I’m okay with that because you are near and I’m in good company. Thank-you for being so near to me and for leading me on such an adventurous journey -I’ve really needed it.

I know you do my darling. I bless you today. I bless the work of your hands. I love you -you are surely mine.


Last night the Lord gave me five dreams! It’s like he doesn’t know that I still have paperwork to do! lol, that’s so completely fine. I’m planning to run outside today..hopefully the robins will be there to cheer me on! I really don’t know the sequence of my dreams but I don’t think it matters. In the first dream I was in a university type setting. I heard over the intercom, an official announcement that someone was officially accepted into a program because they had completed something. I didn’t hear the name of the program but it was known that whoever completed this program they were going to step into, could go into other courses of study such as (here they listed about four things which I didn’t hear clearly except one) the police force/police academy. I had a sense that we were honouring this person for their great achievement! Then as I was walking down a hallway of the school, passing a row of people that were walking in the opposite direction, I was hoping that I’d see and I’d run into this person. 

The second dream was about a shower and paint peeling off all over the room -God is causing a powerful change in my life!

In the third dream I was in a room with two ladies. This room was in a public building of some sort. There was a huge rectangle olden-day style area rug, red with beautiful designs. I love these and one day maybe I’ll get to have one! I asked the lady in charge if I could buy it, and she said yes. Then the other lady tried to take it from me by offering a higher price. I objected and the lady in charge said with authority that it was mine. I didn’t know where I’d put it but my thought was to store it somewhere until I had room for it somewhere. I believe it represents comfort coming, and God says its mine!

In the fourth dream, in the beginning of the dream I had been in an old building close to the river, and there were many many overgrown weeds. There was also a huge boat launching site off to the side. I remember thinking as I was standing among the weeds that any children who’d be there wouldn’t wander off to that area and get hurt because it was kind of over a small hill. Then it was like it was later in the dream that I knew someone was preparing a home, and in my heart I hoped they were renovating that old building and modernizing it, putting many windows on the side that faced the river, and this is what was happening. The Lord is adding years to my life!

In my fifth dream there was someone in front of me, telling me something. What this person (now I know it was the enemy) was telling me is that I had cancer in my brain that caused me to be forgetful. And it was okay because I would die soon and then I wouldn’t need to go through the pain of this cancer of being forgetful. In my dream I understood his logic and went along with it, even though I didn’t fully agree with it. Then later in my dream I was thinking about this and remembered what the Lord had already said to me, that he was adding many more years to my life and that I’d live for a very long time. Then later I was on top of an elevator like a platform because there weren’t any walls. We were going up pretty fast and I began to get dizzy, so the person beside me stretched out their hand and steadied me, and then I was okay. This last dream I know the enemy wants me to doubt Gods words to me, but this dream only makes it more clear. I come against the devil’s plans for me in Jesus name. Also, something that was said, what I heard online last night that stood out to me that resonates with me is that I’ve been thinking that I don’t have much to offer. I feel like I’m only at the beginning stage in everything in my life. But I know that I know how to follow the Lord closely and I know how to be faithful to him. Maybe that’s why the Lord is adding years to my life so that I’ll grow into becoming a seasoned warrior for him before it’s time for me to go!