Soaring with Jesus!!

John 14:23

“Jesus replied, “If anyone loves me, he will obey my teaching. My Father will love him, and we will come to him and make our home with him.”


My daughter, I love you. Come and meet with me -you are Mine.

Father, I’m here, ready to meet with you.

My dear one, you are loved.

Thank-you Father for your love.

Caroline come and sit with Me. I am near to you.

Father, I hear, “a wellspring of life.” Thank-you that you are my wellspring of life and give me life abundantly. Please come and pour more of your life into me, into mine. You are the Great I Am and I worship you Father. Restore what needs to be restored so I an better follow you. 

Come my dear one -I will draw you closer today -you are Mine.


What a refreshing day -thank-you Jesus!! I think it’s so neat that todays the 23rd and I woke up at 2:13. I had the most amazing dream where I wish I could go back and experience it again. I dreamt that I was on Jesus my husband’s back and he was giving me a piggyback ride outside. I believe this represents that I’m completely trusting and resting in him -I’m never letting go. We were on a hill with people’s houses and properties. As I was holding onto him, he jumped up so high, way above and over the house tops to the other side of them, going down the hill. It was like I was going on a ride where I had to hold on tight, and I at first was a bit overwhelmed but almost immediately that left and I enjoyed myself so much that I wish it didn’t have to end.. I felt like I was soaring -being with him filled my cup and I felt free for those moments!!!! After he landed he did it again and began running and jumping really high -long jumps over many houses, landing on the other side -all the while I was on his back, having the time of my life! Then we were walking together on a sidewalk, laughing and having fun, holding hands and going to the place where he worked. I vaguely saw that we were taking footsteps on the line going across the sidewalk. Then we were standing, facing each other and talking. I said something like we needed to be careful because I was still married, and he said something like, “oh, because I’m married,” and I said, “no, because I’m married.” Then he understood. In my dream it was only I who was married. Then we were still having fun together being carefree as we walked by a dark screen door or window, holding hands but still being careful as we walked to his workplace. Then the scene changed where we were at his workplace. I was standing on the left side but in front of a long counter where all the people who worked there were giving people what they wanted or had ordered (food). I could see that Jesus was way down the row to my right, the first person on that side, but I could hardly see him because of all the people who were standing in lines, waiting in front of the counter. I didn’t see but I knew that Jesus was selling some kind of already cooked meat. Bella was closer to where I was standing and she was one of the people serving something. Then someone asked where I had been and I said that I had been there to see Bella. I really had wanted to see Jesus again and I felt like this would be challenged so I didn’t say anything. I believe this dream generally represents that I have more freedom in my heart with Jesus, but I need to fight for this time with him. Jesus wants intimacy with us and spending time with him everyday deepens our intimacy.

Then the scene changed where I was with my sister Connie and I had a plate of candy in my hand. We were at her workplace I think. I saw that the room I was in was a long and narrow room with desks and chairs and cupboards on the wall on my right side. Then I heard someone come in when they asked something, and I quickly began looking for a place to hide my plate of candy. I opened some upper cabinet doors and foundΒ  a place to put it. Then later after I had left I wanted to go back and get the candy, and I think I was on my way to get them when the dream ended. I think the candy represents that I felt treated and that I have joy in my heart as I think about this. Spending time with Jesus and writing is really a joy to me, but I feel like I need to hide that joy because the enemy hates it and finds a way to make that known to me, which of course discourages me many times and makes it more difficult to prepare for my recordings -this would be how I feel crippled the most.. I was hoping to be ready to record on Friday but I worked today and will be working tomorrow and Thursday,😭 so I will need more time… Tonight Bella has a volleyball game, and I still need to finish my prayer time with the Lord for today -I have to say though that it’s so good for me to be out:) Blessings….πŸ™πŸ»πŸ™πŸ»