Good Fruit

Mathew 7:17,18

“Likewise every good tree bears good fruit, but a bad tree bears bad fruit. A good tree cannot bear bad fruit, and a bad tree cannot bear good fruit.”


Daddy, I love you and I’m resting in you in the middle of the storm.

Come my daughter, I love you. Keep being at rest, for I am near to you. Draw closer my faithful one.

Help me get my recording done today Lord; I need to get this done.

Come, draw near to me -we will do it together.

Okay Lord, thank-you.

You’re welcome.


During the night last night in the times I woke up I had the lyrics, “I’ll still bless you, in the middle of the storm I’ll still bless you.” God is always so good, how can I not bless him and worship him despite my circumstances? God is Love and this never changes, so I thank him for the landscape of my life and all the storms and sunny days in it because I know that Daddy is working in my heart and growing me up in him. My character, to be like my Dad, will be the same through it all.   Blessings…