
My daughter, you are mine. Come and rest.

Father, if there’s a word from you today, what word would that be?

Caroline, trust. 

Father this seems right; when I trust in you, anxiousness falls away. I want all you have for me in our walk together, and I deeply miss where we’ve not yet walked. Please lead me there Father -you’ve made me ready for this. 

Caroline my dear one, “home” is another word I have for you today. It’s time to come home. 

My Father, I know this means that you’re giving me a firm place to stand, something thats been established in our walk. We’ve grown deep roots as our friendship has grown stronger through time.. I’m more than ready to take the next step Lord.. please lead me there! 

Come Caroline, I’m ready too. Let’s go there together, for this is my good pleasure…


Happy Father’s day to all you fathers! To my dad I know we’ll have all of eternity to have conversations, and I look forward to walking in the fullness in that season when the time comes!!

I had a few dreams last night. In the first one I had just purchased a bed-spread to replace the old heavy blanket I had been using. This new bed-spread was full of colours and I saw it was hand-knitted. I felt the “rightness” of it, and felt refreshed! The Lord has worked and continues to work in my heart.

In the second one I was watching a scene in front of me. I was standing with someone that I didn’t see in what felt and looked like a dark dungeon. In front of us to our left was a wall that only reached about halfway into the room. Then I sensed a command had been spoken. This command was the “okay” to open the foot-end of a glass/plexiglas tomb. Then a few things happened at one time where the darkness of the room became completely black but I could still see everything that was going on. Then right after all the lights had been turned off, two things were happening; the glass foot-end of the tomb began to rise and I could hear or I sensed the enemy coming, almost breaking through a wall to get to the person laying in the tomb. Right before the enemy could break through, the glass wall had completely slid up/opened up, and then I saw an explosion that had come from the tomb that blasted the wall close to the tomb into bits, like the wall had been made of bricks. I didn’t see the person that had now woken up, but I sensed this person was really powerful and had so much authority that if the enemy didn’t run away immediately, they’d be disintegrated. I felt like the tables had turned. I know that in my pursuit of God, I will come to know the authority I have in the Lord. You bet the enemy will need to run! 

Then in my last dream there was a girl and an adult who were going to race one and a half miles. We were outside. The girl had been holding something that reminds me of Cap’s shield in the Avengers, and I saw her quickly run to the door of the house that was closed, and saw her push the “shield” through a horizontal slot in the door. I don’t know why but this was a good thing, something to be proud about if she was my daughter. It felt like she could have been my daughter but not sure. I looked to who was my husband like this was our daughter, and we had a private “proud” moment as we watched her. I don’t know, but this dream felt like “togetherness,” and togetherness is always good!